King's Business - 1941-06

^ Z e b r a t e the


TRUE TO THE BIBLE SUNDAY SCHOO L SUPPLIES for All Age Groups — Nursery to Adult Don’t fail to send at once for details of Standard fully Graded Lessons (Cradle Roll to Young People); Uniform ^ G ra d e d Lessons (Beginners to Adults); supporting teach­ ing materials and Illustrated Weekly Papers (Children to Adults). Tell us your department, name and size of school. Address Desk K . B . 6 The Standard Publishing Co., 8th and Cutter Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio KING'S BUSINESS Bundle Prices — Postpaid to One Address Monthly Number Each One Mo. Three Mos. Year Bundle ........ 10 $ .07 h $ .75 $2.00 $ 7.50 Bundle ........... 25 .06 1.50 4.00 15.00 Bundle ........ 50 .05 2.50 7.00 25.00 558 So. Hope st. THE KING'S BUSINESS Los Angelc, Cal!,

That Vital Fourth Part of the Sunday School Yea r . . . the Summer Quarter . . . July, August and September Declare your independence of custom, inclination or habit! Keep your Sunday School open every Sunday— in full force through the summer. And then you will have ample reason to celebrate because you will be winning and holding boys and girls who might be lost without the vital helpful summer quarter lesson plan of the


Sunday School Lessons CLARENCE H. BENSON, Editor-in-Chief

Here are the lessons which America is acclaiming—to which America is turn­ ing, the fastest growing series in the nation. Fifteen Sunday Schools adopt this lesson series every week. A wonder­ ful testimony to its teaching ease and thoroughness, its youth appeal, and its spiritual power. Try the All Bible Graded Series— it will solve your teaching and attendance problems. Prove its might in attracting the unreached, winning souls in the true Bible way, building a solid, lasting mem­ bership. You will be amazed and de­ lighted with results. Graded by departments the modern pedagogical way, Beginners through Teacher training.Teachers* manuals only 25c each. Pupils* manuals only 10c each. Mail Coupon for FREE Compendium of 780 lessons! E CHURCH SCHOOL PROMOTER

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