King's Business - 1941-06


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

June, 1941

even w h e n t h e y know they will see one another again. But it is more sad to say g o o d - b y when we do not ex­ pect to see the loved one again. LESSON: Toward the close of Paul's missionary w o r k , he f e l t t h a t he

Golden Text Illustration A cts 1 9 :2 0

who condemned Paul as a trouble mak­ er because he insisted on the need for correct belief (cf. Acts 24:5). You cannot preach and argue for the truth without getting into trouble sooner or later. 3. “Which made silver shrines for Diana” (Acts 19:24). Diana was a female diety who was worshiped under different names in various places of the ancient world. Her image was intended to represent the reproductive powers of men and animals and other life. The temple was not, strictly speaking, the home of this goddess. She was sup­ posed to be the principle in nature out of which all natural life springs. To symbolize this "mother-principle,” her image was made with rows of breasts crudely hung from the whole of her upper body. The worship of Diana in­ cluded sacrifices and ceremonial prosti­ tution. This is what always happens when men teach the error of a “female- principle” in their gods. Such a worship always runs into moral degradation fi­ nally. Beware of any teaching which talks about a "feminine-principle” in the Godhead. It is significant that in the true Godhead one Person is spoken of as “father,” and another as "Son,” but there is no Person called "Mother.” There is no "goddess” in the Christian Trinity. Such notions belong to false and dangerous religious cults.

Two poverty-stricken, illiterate men, one blind and the other at death’s door, came to a mission hospital in India. On leaving the hospital some time later, the blind man asked for a copy of the “Jesus Book.” "Of what use is it to you? You can­ not read.” “No,” replied the blind man; .“but we will take it to those who can do so.” They returned to their village, the happy possessors of a Gospel. They were weavers by trade. Whenever men came to purchase cloth in that village, they were met with the remark, "Be­ fore we do any business with you, you must read us a few pages out of our Book.” . . . When the doctor from the hospital visited that village two years afterward, he found the heathen temple permanently closed and a church built, and the whole village won for Christ. —Life of Faith. Good-by, Paul A cts 2 0 :3 6 -3 8 ; 2 1 :5 -1 7 MEMORY VERSE: "Tl\e Lord bless thee, and keep, thee” (Num. 6:24). APPROACH: Did one of your play­ mates ever move to another town and leave you behind? Did you hate to say good-by? It is hard for friends to part,

should go up to Jerusalem. His friends tried to persuade him not to go, but he felt he must. He called them all together and talked to them. He told them many things that they were glad to hear, but one thing that made them very sad. He said, “I know that ye all, among whom I have gone preaching the kingdom of God, shall see my face no more” (Acts 20:25). They cried and kissed him. He prayed with them and went away in a boat. Wherever he stopped on the way, people told him not to go to Jeru­ salem. At one place a prophet took Paul’s girdle and bound his own hands and feet, saying, “Thus saith the Holy Ghost, So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man that owneth this girdle, and shall deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.” But Paul went right on. Perhaps God was trying to warn him. But, anyway, Paul thought he was

CH ILDREN 'S SEAS IDE M ISSION Sponsored by The Bible Institute of Los Angeles Incorporated A systematic effort to reach the thousands of children on Southern California beaches. Under the general direction of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E.. Hooker of the Bible'Institute faculty, a choice group of Biola students thor­ oughly qualified in children’s and young people’s work plan to. con­ duct a definitely evangelistic ' program during the summer weeks. They earnestly desire to point to the Lamb of God the thousands of unchurched children who flock to the beaches. YOUR PRAYERS AND YOUR GIFTS WILL MAKE THIS WORK POSSIBLE AND WILL FULFILL A TWOFOLD PURPOSE: 1. The money received will enable Biola students to reach the children on the beaches for Christ. 2. The contributions to the beach work also will make pos­ sible the return of some of the students to the Institute in the fall. Please address all communications to : CHILDREN'S SEASIDE MISSION

9:30 A . M. to 12:00 Noon 3:00 to 4:30 P. M. PROGRAM INCLUDES: Singing Bible studies Chalk talks Object lessons Bible stories Scripture Verses and Bible stories worked out in the sand Scripture memorizing Tract distribution Scripturegraph lessons Young people's work House-to-house visitation Sunday programs in churches

The Bible Institute of Los Angeles Incorporated

Lot Angeles, Calif.

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