King's Business - 1941-06



June, 1941

Failing, because Daniel purposed in his heart to be utterly and only God’s man, the enemy of souls tried to destroy, but God wrought deliverances. It was in the black days of blasphemous Belshazzar that God gave to Daniel the vision of the coming coronation of the Son of man (Dan. 7:13, 14), but not till after He had shown him the bitter conflict of the last' days before His triumph when the last imperialistic power would make “war with the saints.” In certain spiritual battlefields, no­ tably in Chosen (Korea), wh e r e - t h e mailed fist of militarism is clutching at the garments of the Bride of Christ, the cry of believers is pot, “Send us war materials,” but, 5Send up to the. Throne your prayers for the deliverance of the church!” For Those Who Have Topics What, t he n , is happening to the church over there? ' .. I. THE CHURCH IN THE ORIENT IS BEING SORELY TESTED. 1. The test varies in different locali­ ties. In some parts, it comes by the ravages of war. In other places, it is by bitter religious persecution, by the scat­ tering of both native Christians and missionaries, by the closing of m a n y doors to the preaching of the gospel. (But these very testings are opening other hitherto closed doors, farther into the interior of China, for instance, or into dark p r i s o n s and military or refugee camps.) 2. The particular test in Korea has been, “ Shall we, saved by the one living and true God, do obeisance at State Shinto Shrines, in compliance with the absolute demands of the Government;, or suffer the consequences—imprison­ ment in vile, unheated prisons with tor­ ture harder to endure than death?” Al­ though many have yielded under the terrific pressure, the test continues, for many have chosen “the fellowship of his sufferings.” H. THE CHURCH IN THE ORIENT IS BEING BLESSED AND PURI­ FIED. 1. We know this from God’s sure Word (Matt. 5:11, 12). “Blessed” means “happy” ! We know it, too, from the radiance of the faces and testimonies of some who have suffered much for right­ eousness’ sake. (See illustration at close of lesson.) 2. The sifting process Of trouble and persecution is getting rid of the chaff of easy profession which is not posses­ sion, and the testing is also making be­ lievers more Christlike (Heb. 12:10). It is heart-stirring to hear Oriental Chris­ tians intercede for their enemies and to see the oneness of real believers, regard­ less of race. HI. THE C H U R C H OF JESUS CHRIST IN THE ORIENT IS NOT BEING DESTROYED. 1. The gates of hell shall not prevail against her. Christ said so (Matt. 16: 18).

VISUALIZE CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Lantern slides present the opportunity today as never before, proclaiming Prophecy and the Gospel. Slides to order In a few days. Plain,. 40c, 60c colored. Quantity reduction. £. WHITFIELD SIMS Phone CL. 66129 6176 Myosotls St. , Los Angeles, Calif. THE AMAZING STORY OF P R A Y I N G H Y D E B y t . A . M etJAW H eart-searching lessons for Christians on the power of “real” prayer 2 5 c READ n o w a n d KEEP CIRCULATING Bible Institute Colportage Association 810 N. Wells, St. - Chicago, 111. book W o „ BIBLE NUMBERS The title, THE GREATEST THING in the UNI­ VERSE. Things you have wanted lo know about the numbers 666, 888 and all the other numbers. Recommended by Dr. Honghton, Dr. Ironside, Dr. Lewis Sperry Chaffer and others. Price $1.50 . 'Write the author •' f .. LeBARON W. KINNEY V 181»» Cornwall Rd. Cleveland. Ohle V O W TO ANY EVANGELICAL 1 I lLL CHRISTIAN MINISTER Sunday School or Missionary Superintendent, one copy of “T A K E NO TH O U G H T ” for each fam ily in his congregation providing he will agree to give a talk on. Tithing before distribution. W rite stating denomination and number of leaflets desired to TITHEB., 721K Title Insurance Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. . RILEY-MOORE ENGRAVING CO. .Cuts for All Purposes • Half Tones • Line Etchings • Electrotypes • Designs Mail Inquiries Solicited 337 S. Los Angeles St. VAndlke 8937 Lbs Angeles, Calif.

Faith of Russian Youth News comes tuat the League of the Militant Godless (a youth movement) has fallen from 5,000,- 000 members in 1933 to 2,000,000 In 1940. Yet It is still a criminal offense for any one in the Soviet Union to gather even three young people under the age of eighteen to teach the gospel. Nor can any school teacher enter a place of worship; . , Lunarcharsky, the commissar of education in the Soviet, affirms: “We hate Christians. Even the best of them must be regarded as our worst enemies; they preach love to one’s Neighbor and pity, .which is contrary to our prin­ ciples. Christian love is a hin­ drance to the development of the Revolution. Down with love for one’s neighbors! What we want is hatred! All religions are poison. They intoxicate and deaden the mind, tlie will, and the conscience” (“Moody Monthly,” Feb., 1941). But hatred •of Christianity; ac­ cording to reports, seems but to increase the spiritual hunger of niany. “One of the miracles of the present day is that God’s work goes on in Russia. It is the young Christians who s h o w the most h e r o i s m” (“Evangelical Chris­ tian,” March, 1940). Thus we see that although Communism is rag­ ing against the “noble fabric of the church of Christ,” it cannot, however, tear it to pieces. JULY 13, 1941 W H AT IS HAPPENING TO THE CHURCH IN THE ORIENT? D a n ie l 7:13, 14; M a t t h e w 5:11, 12 * By Mrs. Harry J. Hill Introduction That which is happening to Christians in the Orient, many of them mere “babes in Christ,” calls for our deep concern, for the church there is a part of the Body of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are as intimately connected with fellow Christians on the other side of the Pa­ cific—and will be all through eternity— a 3 one member of our physical body is with another (cf. 1 Cor. 12:12, 13, 26). Suffering even torture in their alle­ giance to Him whom they have learned to know, they lift their Macedonian cry to us today. It is this: “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2). That we care and, caring, pray, this is the pleading call that comes across the water. What is happening to His own over there is strikingly similar to what hap­ pened to Daniel. Daniel was tested by the demands of an imperialism which claimed supreme authority. S a t a n sought first to control and to defile him.


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