King's Business - 1941-06



June, 1941

SIFT ING o f SA INTS JU N E “P R O PH E C Y M O N T H L Y ” shows how judgment is now beginning at the house of God. Scriptural coun­ sel for dark days enveloping earth. Other vital articles: No Fool Like a Communist Jew ; Can New Generation Rebuild E u rope?; R o m a n Empire Problem ; H itler’s V angu ard; Course in B arbarianism ; Jew-hate Promoters in a P ick le; many other searching ar­ ticles. June issue 10c; $1 y e a r; special offer 4 mo. 25c. $1 for year with this ad entitles to 2 recent issues F R E E . AMERICAN PROPHETIC LEAGUE, Inc. Gordon F . Felton, Exec. Sec’y... Box B B , Sta. E . R., Los Angeles, Cal.

2. In China, bombs and machine guns may destroy buildings and scatter mem­ bers far, but the very scattering carries the Message farther. And in desperate suffering, Christ is being shown and known. For the Leader A white-haired saint in Korea, twice imprisoned but wonderfully used to make Christ known behind the bars, was being moved by police to a differ­ ent prison and was seen by some of his friends. They burst into tears on meet­ ing him, but with face alight, he lifted shackled hands to say: “Why do you weep? It’s glorious!” JULY 20, 1941 WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THE CHURCH IN AMERICA? M a t t h e w 2 4 :4 -1 4 ; R o m a n s 5 :1 -5 By Dan Gilbert Introduction Woodrow Wilson pointed out in one of his historical works, “America was bom a Christian nation.” The Founding Fathers accepted the Bible as the Word of God. Originally, and for several gen­ erations, our way of life as a people followed the Scriptural pattern. But in the twentieth century, Amer­ ica has shifted from a Bible basis to an, anti-Bible or at least non-Bible basis. Secularism is the technical term for this movement. First our state schools were secularized; the movement has now infected many theological semi­ naries. A social or political or hy­ gienic or economic program has been substituted widely for the gospel of Christ. For Those Who Have Topics I. ASPECTS OF THE CHURCH’S APOSTASY IN AMERICA. 1. False prophets and false teachers. # a. Pseudo - scientific, evolutionist, and naturalistic. b. Spiritistic cults and superstitions. 2. Denial of the fundamentals of the faith: the virgin birth, the resurrection, the Lord’s return, the necessity of re­ generation, the miracles of the Bible, and the reality of supernatural answers to prayer. 3. Perversion of the true function of the church. a. Neglect of soul-winning and of study of the Scriptures. b. Concentration on political and social programs. c. Catering to intellectual fads and fancies: (1) book-review "ser­ mons” ; (2) “mind culture” as op­ posed to culture of the spiritual nature, and (3) exploiting of sen­ sationalism t h a t appeals to worldliness and carnality. It. DECLINE OF THE CHURCH’S INFLUENCE IN A M E R I C A N LIFE.

1. Repeal of prohibition. *2. Pagan systems of “easy divorce.” 3. Elimination of the Bible from tax- supported schools. 4. Lax moral standards. 5. Lawlessness and crime. n i. ELEMENTS OF THE “PRO­ PHETIC P I C T U R E ” BEING FILLED OUT IN AMERICA. 1. The trend toward militarism as seen in the nation’s first peace-time conscription law. 2. Continuing unemployment an d “poverty in the midst of plenty.” 3. Trends toward government control of labor and industry—under which no man may buy or sell except under conditions fixed by the government, 4. Trends toward totalitarianism in government. a. Concentration of dictatorial pow­ ers in one man’s hands. Use Romans 5:1-5 and the lives of the martyrs to illustrate how, in God’s prov­ idence, times of declension and persecu­ tion of the faithful supply special op­ portunities for spiritual growth and loyalty to Christ. An age of agnosticism, of doubt and disbelief, such as our own, supplies a fertile field in which the soul - winner may operate under Christ’s leadership. American liberty is under attack by subversive forces. The time may come that the Bible will be suppressed and believers will be persecuted in our own nation as well as abroad. Are we pre­ paring ourselves? We must be firm and uncompromis­ ing in our resistance to modernism wherever it makes its menace manifest. Appeal to the group on a personal and practical basis. What can I do to combat anti-Bible propaganda? What are the conditions in my own community? What am I doing to carry the truth of God to students who are obliged to study evolution and other faith-destroying subjects in schools and colleges? Warn against the unscriptural atti­ tude of “defeatism,” of discouragement or indifference. The apostasy is waxing worse and worse. True. Christ com­ mands that we shall occupy until He comes. Souls can be saved even in this advanced era of skepticism. The times in which we live should stir and stim­ ulate us to soul-winning. King Belshazzar, on the night that he lost both his kingdom and his life, was told the reason: "The God in whose hand thy breath is, and whose are all thy ways, hast thou not glorified” (Dan. 5:23; cf. vs. 18-22). Both individuals and nations need to consider the prin­ ciples which God’s Word reveals con­ cerning His view of personal and na­ tional sin: 1. There must be undivided allegiance to God (Matt. 6:24). b. Ever-increasing taxes. c. The threat of inflation. For the Leader

S ummer P lans That Look to the Future Evangelical Teacher Training Course By Clarence H . Benson Six Bound Textbooks

What to Teach

Unit 1. Old Testament Law and History. 2. Old Testament Poetry and Prophecy. 3. N ew Testament.

Whom to Teach 4. A Guide to Child Study.

How to Teach B. A Guide for Pedagogy.

Where to Teach *. A Guide for Sunday School W ork

Fee $1.50 per unit All Six Units $8.00

CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL The Bible Institute of Los Angeles Incorporated 558 So. Hope St. Los Angeles, Calif.


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