King's Business - 1941-06

'June, 1941

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Come to Southern California this Summer


Combine Bible Study with Your Vacation

BIOLA SUMMER BIBLE SCHOOL for Student O Teacher Pastor O Missionary Christian Worker

Kenneth M. Monroe, Th. D., Dean

The Bible Institute of Los Angeles

June 23 to August 1, 1941 S I X W E E K S ' C O U R S E Courses Offered This Year

PRACTICAL PIANO PLAYING —Alice Gra­ ham. A' non-fee piano class open to all ^reg­ istered students. PUBLIC SPEAKING— Wm. Harllee Bordeaux, Th . D . Instruction in the use of the voice • in public speaking. RECREATIONAL LEADERSHIP— Nadine K. Warner, B. A . A study of planning a well- rounded program of recreational activities for youth. Private Work in Voice, Piano, and Organ by Music Instructors.

ANALYSIS — John A . Hubbard, D. D. tailed study of the Acts of the Apostles. BIBLE and SCIENCE —-Paul R. Bauman, Th. B. An apologetical examination of the rela­ tionship between the Bible and scientific facts. C ON D U C T IN G— Elmer Baer, B. Mus. A study of the use of rhythms and the technique of the baton and the hands in directing of music. D ISPENSAT IONAL H ISTOR Y— S. H . Suth­ erland, Th. B. A dispensational review of Biblical history from Genesis to Revelation. H Y M N P LA Y IN G— Alice Graham, B. Sac. Mus. A group study of the art of playing hymns and gospel songs (50c a lesson). A de­

Credit Classes and Classes each morning, Monday through Friday. Five hours of instruction in each subject per week. Full Day School credit. Regular Faculty. Cost NO TUITION CHARGE

R EG ISTR AT ION F E E : For credit— $10.00;

ROOM S — Single room $4.00 per week; double room $5.00 per week ($2.50 each) ; rooms for married couples $5.50 per week with bath.

for auditors— $2.00 per week.


auditor’s fee— $6.00.)


For further information please address: Office of the Registrar THE BIBLE INSTITUTE O F LO S ANGELES Incorporated

558 South Hope Street

Los Angeles, California

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