King's Business - 1941-06


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

June, 1941

the wide scope o f-th e messages. Such well- known names as Kenneth M. Monroe, Louis S. B aum an ,' W ilbur M. Smith, James M c- Ginlay, Lewis SpCrry Chafer and others give promise of the value .of the spirituality and the searching quality of the material bound together in this Volume. 248 pages; Zonderv^n Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Paper. Price $1.00. Eleven of these messages have been bound separately in small booklets and m ay be obtained from the same publishing house for 15 cents each. Nature Sermons B y F R E D H A R T L E Y W IG H T In this book, ten stimulating chapters lead the reader to see in nature the God of the Bible. The volume will be usable by preacher, Bible school teacher, and, in fact, any one who loves God and H is. handiwork. 106 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, M ich- Cloth. Price. $1.00. Aamon Always B y D A N E . L . PA TCH In a story that is alive with action, and excitement, the author, who . is the Chief of Police of . Highland Park, Michigan, has portrayed the struggle of young Aam on B ar­ ton. .That is, Aam on thought he was a B ar­ ton until the death of Mr. Barton revealed that he was not a real son. Loved by his foster sister, but hated by his foster broth­ ers, Aam on suffered through m any adven­ tures before his real identity was revealed The scene of .the story changes from America to the Europe of the early days of the present world conflict. The plan of salva­ tion and the life of trust in God are well presented throughout. 314 pages. Bible Institute Colportage A ss’n, Chicago, 111. Cloth. Price $1.00. The Seal of the Seven B y T. E. P. W OOD S Having as its purpose ’ “to encourage indi­ vidual research,” this group o f analyses of books of the Bible demonstrates in striking manner the significance of the frequent use of the number “seven” in the W ord o f God. According to the author, the suggestions are not intended to be dogmatic, but rather to be challenges to each student to become an orig­ inal explorer of thè W ord of God. The work is reverently and painstakingly done, and its Study cannot fa ir to produce in the reader an increased appreciation of the divine author­ ship of the Bible. E. J. Pace, Canon F . E. Howitt, and other outstanding Bible teachers commend this volume by the head of the Bible Department, M cAllie School, Chatta­ nooga, Tenn. 181 pages. W m . Bi Eerdmans Pub. Co:, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $ 2 . 00 .

Scriptures, whether or not that one has had the advantage of a study of Greek. A t the sam e time, it furnishes stimulating reading for those who have long loved their Greek N ew Testam ent Deep spirituality and care­ ful- accuracy mark the author’s work. 131 pages. W m . B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.00. The Art of Listening to God B y SA M U E L M. Z W E M E R “The A rt of Listening to God” is the first of seventeen short messages. Some of the chapters appeared first in church periodicals; others were written especially fdr this book. Some of the titles a re: ’'Life Begins at Seventy,” “Is Suicide Sin?” “ Now Concern­ ing the Collection,” “Mohammed and Calvin,” “The Other-Worldliness of M issions.” The author’s approach to each subject is both philosophical and Scriptural. H e is fam iliar with and quotes from the great among class­ ical writers, yet all his conclusions are firm ly based on “ thus saith the Lord.” The language of the book is clear, and direct, its advice extremely practical. 217- pages. Zon- dervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.50. It w as Dr. H art's stirring account of ex­ periences in the leper colony on the South China island of T a i-K am that brought such excitement and wonder to the little mountain high school that D avid Blair and others found the course of their lives changed by it. T h at was the day that D avid’s face turned toward. China. The novel is. not only full of interest for young people, but it also presents in clear language the w ay of salvation and the meaning of a surrendered life. 159 pages. Bible Institute Colportage A ss’n, Chicago, 111. Cloth. Price $1.00. As by Fire B y B E R T H A B . MOORE Peggy is the pessimistic older sister of vivacious, pretty Gretta. The contrast in the two girls is so marked that, in her sensitive­ ness, the older girl develops an attitude of aloofness and unsociability that causes m is­ understanding among her friends and baffles even her parents. But hidden under this ex­ terior there is character of real worth. The Lord is mindful of Peggy’s heart needs. Pa­ tiently, tenderly, through m a n y , hard expe­ riences, H e woos and wins her to H im self, and leads her also into earthly happiness. The book presents in fiction form a chal­ lenge to turn to God, an explanation, of the way, and a winning picture o f a real Chris­ tian home. 192 pages. Wm . B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids, •Mich. sCloth. Price $1:00. We Killed a Bear and The Sugar Creek Gang Goes Camping B y P A U L H U T CH E N S These two books for Junior-age boys are the second and fourth stories in the. “Sugar Creek G ang” series. The young folk who comprise the “gang” are all live-wire, fun- loving country boys, but they also have learned to love the Lord Jesus Christ and to let H im have preeminence even in their fun. Fishihg on Pass Lake and seeing real Indians at the reservation furnished the boys with thrillb to be remembered for many a month. 87 and 95 pages, respectively. W m . B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Board. Price 50 cents each. Winona Echoes 1940 From an address by H . A. Ironside, “The Father’s House and the W a y There,” an exposition of the first six verses of John 14, this collection of W inona Echoes takes its main title. In all, there are thirty-one of these “echoes” from the forty-sixth •Annual W inona Lake Bible Conference, as they were given by the able men who spoke there. From some of the subjects treated— “The Preeminence of Christ,” “Thoughts of Peace,” “Ceylon, the Pearl of the Indian Ocean,” “Power in the Gospel in W a r-tom China,” “The Passion for Israel,” “The Pro­ phetic Significance o f ‘Until,’ ” “To Him That Overcometh,” etc,— the reader will see Bread for the Hungry B y B R E N D A C AN NO N

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