King's Business - 1941-06

1/iA#ep i P E - TONE . W ""_FO LD IN G ORGANS . . . the LAST WORD in subartanti&l, convenient folding organs. Marvelous volume, resonance a n d purity of tone. Tropically treated. Famous over the world for 35 years. Write for free catalog. A - L WHITE MFG. CO.

Your B o y . . in the u . s . service . . . or the son of a friend— what is he reading during his leisure moments in camp? Much of the literature that comes his w ay, if absorbed, will waste his time, and destroy those finer qualities that have been built into his life from early childhood.

1902 W . Grand Ave., Chicago

’HE PREPARED AT STONYBROOK’ college career draw s to a close, I m ay be justly pardoned in letting you know som ething o f his record. H e won his varsity letter three years in hockey, tw o years and probably three in golf, and played on the varsity football team . H e has sung in the col­ lege choir three years and played in the band for two years. H e w as elected president o f his senior class, president of the Student Council, and w as one of five seniors elected to Pentagon (hon­ orary senior society). In addition, his m arks have been good enough to place him on the D ean’s L ist. H e has partial­ ly earned his w ay by w aiting on table at his fraternity and is still doing so. “M rs. —------------- and I feel that much o f his college success has been due in a large m easure to his fine training for two years at Stony Brook. You started him o ff right.” This letter w as recently received by Stony B rook’s headm aster. It cam e quite unsolicited from a law yer in N ew York C ity whose son prepared for college at Stony Brook. A boy, who has had Christian charac­ ter-training, thorough academ ic prepara­ tion, and experience in athletic and club activities in boarding school, is ready to get the m ost out o f college. S t o n y B rook’s varied program gives j "v. an oportunity for every boy to 2 ml ^ develop according to his ability. The 1941 catalogue has Just come from the press. Send for your copy now ! tonylirookJchool F r a n k E. G a e b e le in , Litt. D ., Headmaster, Stony Brook, Long Island, New York Please mention King’s Business “A s

G ive him the stabilizing influence of TH E K IN G ’S BUSINESS magazine while in training.

Let its message implant more firmly in his heart and mind the sacred truths he learned at home.

$1.00 w ill send the magazine to him anywhere in the United States for twelve months. W hy not subscribe for him NOW !

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

558 South Hope Street

Los Angeles, Calif.

Opportunity to secure fre e ...a Scofield Bible, a helpful book, or a subscription to M o od y M on th ly . . . if you enroll in a Moody Bible Institute Correspondence Course between May 1and Aug. 31. So . . . pick out YOUR course and your free gift that goes with i t . . . write us, enclosing check or money order...But DON’T DELAY...DO IT NOW !

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