King's Business - 1914-12



Two Trees of Paradise; or God’s Grace and Man’s Responsibility...... Scribner, Josephine Pitman Pilgrim’s First Christmas...... ........ env Scribner, William Pray for Your Children................... pa Scroggie, Graham W. Baptism of the Spirit: What is it? and Speaking with Tongues: What saith the Scriptures?.................. ..... Scruby, J. J. Confessions of an End Near, The; or, The Promise, Nature, Purpose and^Probable Near­ ness ...................................................... Millennium and the Second Words of Warning to Tea and Coffee Drinkers ..>4...... Scudder, Mrs. A. M. Attractive Truths in Lesson and Story Scudder, Doremus Our Children for Christ.............. Scudder, Mrs. William W. Nineteen Centuries of Missions. A Handbook for Young People................ Seagram, W. H. Danger of Spiritualism, Searle, Walter Try Love ............................................ pa Searle, Mrs. Walter Cripple Tom ....................................... pa. Something in Christianity After All ............ .................................... ...... pa Secrist, J. S. Creation, Time and Eternity............... See, Edwin F. Teaching of Bible Classes.................... Seibert, Fred R. Rescue the Perishing: Personal Work Made Easy ....................... ................... ••..... .44-4;.................... lea Seiss, Joseph A. Apocalypse, The .................3 vols. Set, Gospel in the Stars; or Primeval As­ tronomy, The ..................................... Holy Types; or, the Gospel in Leviti CUS ................ .......................:............... Last Times, The.................................... Letters of Jesus, The............................. Millennialism and the Second Advent ...... .................................. :................ pa Miracle in Stone; or, The Great Pyra­ mids of Egypt...........................;......... Voices from,Babylon; or, the Records of Daniel the Prophet................... . Selden, Edward Griffin Story of the Christian Centuries, The Sell, Henry T. Bible Studies in the Life of ..... ........ cloth Bible Studies in the Life of Paul...... pa ...-:.... ....... .1.............. ............ cloth Bible Study by .............. .'. 4 4 4 .....4 .................. . cloth Bible Study by ........... — .......-........ cloth Bible Study by ..........:......................—..¿gMI doth Studies in Early Church History.... pa ......................... cloth Studies in the Life of the .......iiiu........... .>.....,...„.,...Cloth Supplemental Bible Studies............... pa ... .'............. cloth

Sayles, Harold F. 500 Bible Studies .25 500 Scriptural Anecdotes ................. pa .25 500 Wonderful Conversions ...... .25 Shall I? .................41, .15 Truth for the Sower and Seeker.... pa .15 lea .35 Truth in a Nutshell............................ pa .02 Word for the Work, The..................... pa .05 Schaff, Philip Dictionary of the Bible, The................. 1.25 Person of Christ, The...................................75 Schauffler, A . F. Knowing and Teaching the Scholar......... 50 Sparks from a Superintendent’sAnvil 1.00 Teacher, the Child, and the Book, The 1.00 Ways of Working................................... 1.00 Schenck, F. S. Bible Reader’s Guide, The.........................35 Church of God and Its .05 Scherer, James A . B. What is Japanese Morality?........................ 75 Schofield, Alfred T. Fit for Work; or Health in Christian Service ...................... 1.25: Knowledge of God, The: Its Meaning and its Power......................... 50 Man and the Mule, The. (Man and his lower nature.) What the Bible teaches concerning man’s origin and destiny............ 1.50 Radiant Morn, The.........................................50 Scofield, C. I. Addresses on Prophecy....................... pa .25 • Galatians ...................... pa .15 Kingdom in Scripture, The................ pa .05 “Law” and “Grace” ............................ pa .03 Loveliness of Christ, The........... 12 for .08 ............ ................................ ....... 100 for .50 No Room in the Inn, and Other Inter­ pretations. (Arranged by Mary Emily Reily) ....... G-b .10 Perfect Humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ and Its Relation to Practical Life ..... pa .10 Plain Papers on the Holy Spirit...... pa .15 ~................ better edition .35 Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth. .. .............................. pa .05 .................. better edition .15 World’s Approaching Crisis, The.... pa .10 Scott, C. Anderson Book of Revelation, The................... .... .50 Scott, Walter Bible Outlines ......................................... .65 Church of God and Its Ministry, The _ ............... pa .05 Coming Glories ......................... .15 .................. 1....................better edition .35 Course of Time, The............... 25 ..................................'..... better edition .35 Exposition of the Revelation................. 2.00 Eternal Punishment: Scripture Testi­ mony ..... ............... ........ .............12 for .03 Frank Grey......................4444: 12 for .06 ............................. ........................100 for ' .40 Future Events, With Numerous Pro­ phetic Details ..................................... .35 Handbook to the Bible. Old Testament 2.50 “Holding On” ; or, Can a Believer Ever Be Lost? ...................pi-.......... ......... pa .02 Holding On; or, Final Perseverance and Eternal Security...... ............... pa .05 Jehovah Reigneth, Psalm XCLII.... pa .03 Our Bible Note Book............................ .75 Perfect Peace and Everlasting Strength .03 Story of Our English Bible........................70

.35 .25


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2.00 .65

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