King's Business - 1914-12



Steiner, Edward A. Cup of Elijah, The..................... .25 On the Trail of the Immigrant............. 1.50 Stenhouse, Mrs. T. B. H. “ Tell It All” : The Story of a Life’s Experience in Mormonism.................. 1.00 Sterry, J. Second Coming, The............................ .05 Stevenson, J. G. Children’s Paul, The........................ 1.00 Christ of the Children. Life of Jesus for Young People.................................... 1.00 Stewart, Alexander Handbook of Christian .20 better edition .40 Stewart, Mary Shepherd of Us All, The........................ 1.25 Stewart, Robert Laird Land of Israel, The. Physical and Historical Geography of the Holy Land ............................................. Memorable Places Among the Holy Hills .............. .,.............................................50 Stifler, James M. Epistle to Romans.......................g.......... 1.25 Fighting Saint, The..................... 75 Introduction to the Acts of the Apos­ tles, An ............................. Introduction to the Study of the Acts 1.50 .Stiles, William Curtis “Excuse Me” ..................... ............... pa .10 Stirling, James E. Physician’s Testimony, A.................. pa .03 Stirling, John F. Atlas of the Acts of the Epistles, An..........40 Atlas of the Life of Christ, An................... 40 St. John, Edward Porter Child Nature andChild Nurture........... .50 Studies and Story-Telling in Moral and Religious Education.... ............. .50 Stocking, Jay F. City That Never Was Reached, The, and Other Stories for Children........ 1.00 Stockmayer, Otto Body of Christ, The........................... pa .02 Christ’s Victory in Our .05 Church of God, Awake!...................... pa .25 Gift of Tongues, .03 Give Christ His Place........................ pa .05 Glory of the Lamb and the Lamb-Life The (and Other Sermons).............. pa .20 Grace and .02' Heavenly Places .......................... pa .05 How do we Receive the Holy Spirit? .......... pa .06 Judgment Unto .25 Lowliness and .05 Marriage of the Lamb, .08 Martha and .02 “ Our Father” ............... pa .06 Prayer-Life of God’s Children, .05- Prepare! ......................... ..................... pa .15 Sanctified Ones ............ 1.00 Scriptural Perfection and How to At­ tain It .......................... .06 “ Sons of Light” .15 Steps of Faith; or, From Mesopotamia to Moriah .................................... pa .10 Transformation (1 Peter) ....... 40 Victory Over Sin....:.......... .03 Stoddard, William O. Walled In ..................................................... .50

.75 Stoddart, Jane T. Old Testament in Life and Literature, T h e..... ...................................................... 2.25 Stokes, G. F. Acts of the Apostles...... .............. ,__...... .50 Stone, John Timothy Prayer to Begin the Day, A... ....... G-b .25* Recruiting for Christ.............. i.oo Storrs, Richard S. Preaching Without Notes........................ .50 Stough, Henry W. Across the Dead-Line ofAmusements .35 Stowe, Harriet Beecher He’s Coming To-Morrow................... bo .15 Strachan, James Captivity and Pastoral Epistles, The .75 Strachey, Ray Francis Willard: Her Life and Work 1.50 Strahan, James' Marechale, The. (Catherine Booth- Clibborn) .................... r .25 Strain, Agnes Pruyn Studies in the Song of Songs.............. 1.00 Streatiield, G. S. Incarnation, The .......................................... 50 Street, Alfred E. Intercessory Foreign .35 Stretton, Hesba Alone in London. A Story of Jessica’s First Prayer .................... .35 Christmas Child, The..................... 50 Jessica’s First Prayer................................. 35 Jessica’s Mother ....:...... .............. .......... .25 Wonderful Life of Christ, The.......... .50 Stroeter, E. F. God’s Purpose in This .10 Israel God’s .10 Stroh, Grant When God Comes Down to Earth......... 1.25 Strong, A . W. P. Seven GoldenLampstands................... pa .10 Strong, Annie C. Books of the Bible, The .(In collabora­ tion with Mrs. F. E. Clark) .05 Strong, James Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible.. 3.00 Strong, Josiah Challenge of the City, .35 Strong, Sidney South African Sermons to Boys and Girls .............. pa .10 Stroter, E. F. Glory of the Body of Christ, The..... 1.00 Stroup, N. Wallace Fact of Sin, The.......^.1: 1.00 Stuart, C. E. Book of Praises, or the Psalms................. 85 From Advent to Advent (St. Luke).... 1.25 Old Faith or the New—Which? (He­ brews) ........... .85 Outline of St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans .... ........................................ t .... .85 Remarks on the Tabernacle.............. .40 Sketches from the Gospel of Mark...... .40 Thoughts on Sacrifices................................. 40 Tracings from the Acts of the Apostles; *or, Thirty Years of Chris­ tian Work ............. ................ v............. 1.25 Tracings from the Gospel of John...... L25


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