King's Business - 1914-12



Waterbury, William F. Prophecies Relating- to Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.........:.........; .02 Watkinson, William L. Blind Spot, The, and other Sermons.... .50 Education of the Heart, The................. 1.00 Fatal Bartar and Other Sermons, The < 1.00 Frugality in the Spiritual Life................... 75 Gates of Dawn, The................................ 1.25 Life’s Unexpected Issues................... 1 00 Mistaken Signs and Other Addresses on Christian Experience...........................50 Moral Paradoxes of St. Paul................. 1.00 Studies in Christian Character..................50 Studies in Life and Experience....................50 Supreme Conquest, The, and Other Sermons .............. i. 00 Watson, Chanles R. In the Valley of the Nile........... ........... 1.00 Watson, George D. Heavenly Life and Types of the Holy ■ Spirit, The .............................. ........ . .75 Steps to the Throne and Holiness Manual ................................................. 1.00 Watson, John God’s Message to the Human Soul. The Words of the Bible in the Light of the New Knowledge...................... 1.25 Watson, R. A. Judges and Ruth................... . .50 Watson, Sidney Escaped from the Snare: “ Christian Science” (story) ....... ?fi Gilded Lie, The. Millennial Dawn- ism (story) ............ ............................ .75 If—What Then? llO “In the Twinkling of an Eye” (story) .75 Lure of a Soul, The. (Story of Spirit­ ism) ...................................................... , .75 “Mark of the Beast, The” (story)............ 75 “ Scarlet and Purple” : A Story of Souls and Signs................................ . .75 Wops, the Waif (story)............................... 50 Watson, Mrs. Sidney Village Maiden’s Career, A.................. .75 Waft, Mrs. Stuart In the Heart of Savagedom. Lives of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Watt................. 2.50 bark cloth 3.75 Weatherford, W. D. Introducing^ Men to Christ...... ............. .50 Negro Life in the South..............................50 Present Forces in Negro Progress...............50 Weaver, Rufus W. Religious Development of the Child.... ' 1.25 Webb-Peploe, H. W. He Cometh! .... .................;...;Z Z :Z ..... 1.00 Webster, F. S. Beauty of the Saviour, The...... ......,.... 1.25 Christ and the Comforter........................... 75 Christians and Christians....... .............-.. .40 Elijah, the Man of Prayer.... .......:............. 40 Jonah: Patriot and Revivalist............. .40 My Lord and I... ..... .50 Old-Fashioned Christianity....... ................. 40 Second Gospel, The.......................................40 Webster, H. Mass vs. Communion.................. ..;., .01 Weidner, Revere Franklin Harmony of the Four Gospels, .05 Studies in the Book. Old Testament. First Series. Vol. 1. Genesis............ .50 Vol. 2. Exodus.... ........................ 25

New Testament, First Series. (His­ torical Books, General Epistles, and Apocalypse) ..................................... Studies in the Book, N. T., Second Series (Earlier Epistles of St. Paul) Studies in the Book, N. T., Third Series (Later Epistles of St. Paul) Weigle, Luther A. Pupil and the Teacher, The............. . Weir, Mary Ross WTiat Jesus Teaches. Lessons from the Gospels for Girls To-day..... Weir, Robert W. Romanism and Protestanism.......... pa Weir, W. Mortimer ............................... “Are You a Christian?”;....,, Wells, Amos R. Arithmetic of Friendship, The;..... G-b Bible Marksman, The. A Course in Bible Marking .......... Bible Miniatures. Character"Sketches of 150 Heroes and Heroines of Holy Writ .............. .............. Christian Endeavor Grace Notes..." pa Christian Endeavor Effective Temperance Committee, The „ - ..... V................................................ pa Everyday Poems ........... ........................ Expert Endeavor .................................... Flower Committee’s S u A k a r ^ Z Z ’.pa Good-Literature Committees at Work ~ ................................................ ......... pa Grace Before Meat.............................. pa Help for the Tempted........................ How to Lead.................... ..’.'."pa How to Play............................. How to Study............... Z Z "Z How to Work............. Ideal Adult Class, The, in the" Sunday School ......................... ...... .......... __ Junior Manual, The........Z.".. ."............ Junior Text-Book, The.... Living Bible, The. Mediations on Each Chapter of the Bible........ Missionary Manual, The...................... Nutshell Musings .................................... Officer’s Handbook, The..................."Z On the Lookout.... ............... pa Our Crowning Meeting...:...... pa Prayer-Meeting Methods .................... Social Evenings .... ....................... ..Z....Z Social to Save.—Z .^ .........: Z Studies in the Art of Illustration.... Sunday-School Endeavors............. ' pa Sunday-School Essentials ............ ........ Sunday-School Problems ................... . Sunday-School Success .................. . Teacher That Teaches, The............. Three Years with the Children........... Why We Believe the Bible........ Young People’s Pastor, The.............!..... Wells, George Golden Wishes.................................. ... Welton, H. P. World to Come, The............. pa Wenner, George U. Religious Education and the Public School Westcott, Brooke Foss Characteristics of the Gospel Miracles.. Gospel of the Resurrection, The.......... Weston, Frank S. Present Condition of the Jews as Re­ lated to Prophecy, The.................. pa

.50 .50 .50





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.50 .50


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