King's Business - 1914-12

New Testament with Psalms

rocco, limp instead of with the over­ lapping leather as in the ones designated divinity circuit, has round corners and red under gold edges. Price 75 cents. The “Easy-to-Read” Edition has black­ faced type, printed on finest white pa­ per. Bound in Alaska seal leather, divin­ ity circuit, leather lined, round corners, red under gold edges. Price $2.75. Another style much liked by ministers and Bible class teachers is the brevier 16mo., 'black-faced type edition. Size; 4j4x6^ inches. Bound in Alaska seal leather, divinity circuit, leather lined, round corners, red under gold edges. Price $2.25. 334X Longness—Egyptian seal, divinity circuit, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges. $1.00. 336X....Longsome—Egyptian seal, limp, leather lined, silk sewed, round corners, >red under gold edges. $1.50. . 344X ijLongways-APersian levant, divin­ ity circuit, leather lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges. $2.00. 345X Look—Best levant, divinity cir­ cuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges! $2.50. Revised Testament with Psalms Nelson’s India Linen Paper Edition. Size, 3}4x4Yi inches; only 7-16 of an inch thick. Bound in Egyptian seal, flexible, limp, round corners, red under gold edges. Price $1.00. Bound in Real Sealskin, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed, round cor­ ners, red under gold edges. Price $3.75. The most attractive Testament in our stock. Splendid Large Type Flexible Edition Printed in large clear-face minion type. Size of book 3J4x4^ inches. Thin, flat, flexible. Bound in Egyptian seal, limp. Price 50c. Egyptian seal,, divinity circuit. Price 75c. Palestine Levant, divinity circuit, full leather lined. Price $1.00. Same Testament as above, but bound in finest French morocco, and divinity circuit instead of limp. Price $1.00.

For those who like this combination we have selected what we think are the choicest styles , from Oxford University Press. Vest Pocket Edition, printed on finest In­ dia linen paper, bound in French moroc­ co, divinity circuit, round corners and red under gold edges. Size, 3j4x5% and only inch thick. Price 95 cents. We have a larger type edition; size inches. Bound in French mo­

Revised New Testaments

The “ Vest Pocket” New Testament

Printed from clear ruby type on India paper. Self-pronouncing edition with the words of Christ emphasized by being printed in black-faced type. Comes in several styles of binding as follows:-'' 237X Lomat—Extra tan suede, flexible covers, Roycroft style, round corners, red under gold edges, silk sewed. 50c. 232X Lomer—French morocco, flexible, limp, round corners, red under gold edges; silk sewed. 75c. 234X Lomda—French morocco, divinity circuit, round corners, red under gold edges, silk sewed. $1.00. 244X Lomt'er—Genuity morocco, divin­ ity circuit, gros-grain,' lining to edge, round corners, red under gold edges, silk sewed. $1.50. FOR THE POCKET TESTAMENT LEAGUE The Self-Pronouncing Emphasized New Testament We have a special edition of the Re­ vised New Testament recommended by the Pocket Testament League. Printed from easy reading nonpariel type. Words of Christ are emphasized by being print­ ed in bold-faced type. Bound in a va­ riety of ways as follows: 337X Longly—Extra tan suede, flexible covers, Roycroft style, with frontis­ piece, “ Christ Knocking at the Door,” silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges. 75c.

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