King's Business - 1914-12

The Fundamental Principles of Christianity in the Light of Modern Thinking 1 By JOHN M. MACINNIS, B. D.


T HE great essential facts of the Christian religion are these: Man was made for God, and in right relation with Him he realizes his life. He sinned through disobedi­ ence and as a result he became dead to God and his life is full of failure and sorrow. God sent His only be­ gotten Son to redeem man and to win him back to Himself once more. Through His death on Calvary Jesus has made his return possible. The return means that the life is so re­ lated to God that the very life of God flows through it and in this in­ flow of the life of God man realizes himself at his best. Therefore Chris­ tianity is God in Christ reconciling the world to Himself so that through His Kingship the world may come to realize its highest aspirations and ideals. That is the world’s great need today. A new infusion of Di­ vine life through submission to the Kingship o f God in Christ. That alone can meet the deepest needs of humanity as they stand naked in the problems of the hour. Let me merely suggest to you a line of thought that will show you how this enters into the very heart of our present situation. The World Situation Take first of all the world situation from an international point of view. 1 An address by Rev. John M. Maclnnis at the Montrose Bible Conference. Copyright, by John M. Maclnnis, 1913.

The story of history is the story of war and bloodshed. Practically ev­ ery world power in existence today was founded in blood. Not only that, but the general opinion is that the safety of these great nations depends upon their capacity to shed blood. This is why the armament move­ ment and program have become so outrageous in their demands that men are beginning to rebel against war and all that it means. The great heart of the world is struggling under its load and is crying for relief. How are we going to get rid of. it ? There must be some great overpowering and all conquering influence come into the life o f the world that will reveal that the deepest things in human life are not the things that separate us into factions and nations but the things that bind us to a common center in which the life of the world is realized. I must confess that as I try to honestly study the programs submitted for our consideration for the purpose of realizing this ideal I can only see one that seems equal to the task. The revelation of the Prince of Peace as the king of glory can do it, for He alone is equal to the task of breaking the nations and making tjiem into a single KingdomM-the Kingdom o f our Lord and His Christ. The Social Situation Take, again, the social situation— everywhere men are lifting up their voices in protest against the present

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