King's Business - 1914-12



which is the consummation toward which the Christian program of re­ demption moves. I confess that were it not for this outlook and hope I would be a hopeless pessimist in the present situation. But with this glori­ ous hope the very things that aré baffling and discouraging many earnest souls who are working for the redemption of the social order are to me the signs of a speedy con­ summation of the great program of redemption—the breaking of the morning and the lifting of the shad­ ows. “ Even so come, Lord Jesus, come quickly.”

crying for emancipation from sorrow, sin and shame. In many hearts the advent hymns of Philip Necolai are singing, Zion hears the watchman singing, And all her heart with joy is springing, She wakes, she rises from her gloom, ; For her Lord comes down all glorious, The story in grace, in truth victorious, Her star is risen, her light is come.” I do not know of anything on the horizon of human thought or in the glow of the most radiant human hope that so perfectly and hopefully fits into the longings, yearnings and needs of the hour as this glorious hope

The Coming King By J. H. Sammis

O UR Lord and God, Thou King of kings, Prophet and Seer Divine, : Age after age its tribute brings And round Thy Word new radiance flings. Fulfilling line by line. With hope, exultant, Lord, we see Events attest that Word; The viper fails; the devils flee; The sick are healed; the bond are free; The dead to life restored.

We mark Thy glorious Gospel's spread, We speed its onward way; While kings contend, and rumors dread Like tempests gather overhead We hail Thy coming day. The woes that wrung Thy heart, sweet Lord, Jerusalem hath known; Consuming famine, fire and sword, That bitter cup of wrath is poured, And Gentiles tread her down.

Come, come, thou Judge of all the earth, In glory come again; To victory lead Thine armies forth, And fill our mouths with songs of mirth; Begin Thy peaceful reign.

“ÎEttett 00 nmœ Sorii ilmts”— » ru . 22:20

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