King's Business - 1914-12



with disloyalty to Caesar. 2. Pilate could find no fault in Him and would have “ let him go." But the Jews demanded His cru­ cifixion. 3. Pilate yielded with a futile pro­ test. 4. The Jews assumed the responsibility —"His blood be on us and on our children.” History has taken them at their word. Pi­ late bore “his own burden." The water in which he “washed his hands" was insuffi­ cient. Soon after he drowned himself in Lake Pilatus, so-called to his dishonor .— Matt. 27:11-31; Luke 23:1-25. So, in God’s providence Christ was cruci­ fied. The Jews would have stoned Him—in which case His blood might not have been shed; His “hands and feet” would not have been “pierced,” but His bones would have been broken, and prediction in all this would have failed. IX. C hrist C rucified . 1. He was led to Golgotha or Calvary “outside the city gates.” 2. They nailed Him to the Cross about 9 a. m. 3. The soldiers gambled for His "vesture." 4. From 12 to 3 o’clock darkness covered the earth. 5. At the time of the evening sacrifice He “dis­ missed His Spirit." 6. The veil of the tem­ ple was rent. 7. Graves were opened. 8. Seven sayings spoken from the cross are recorded—all pregnant with instruction.— Mark 15:21-41; Luke 23:39-43. X. C hrist R isen F rom the D ead . 1. The princely burial. 2. The seal and

the soldiers. 3. The empty tomb. 4. The angelic greeting. 5. The soldier’s report and the Jews’ bribery for the spread of their story.—Mark 16:1-8; Matt. 28:11-15. The resurrection of Jesus is a certainty (Acts 1 :3), It is the foundation of the Christian faith (1 Cor. 15:13, 14). It is the guaranty of our own resurrection (1 Cor. 15:20-22). XI. T he G reat C ommission . 1. The Church’s “marching orders”— “ Go ye." 2. The order of march—Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, the utmost limit of earth. 3. The Captain —“Lo, I am with you alway." 4. The limit of time— “Even to the end of the age." 5. The work to be done— “preach,” “teach,” “baptize." 6. The subjects of the 1. It was demonstrated that the same Jesus that went into the grave came out of it. 2. The same Jesus that rose from the dead ascended into heaven. 3. “ This same Jesus" could mean to the beholder only the Jesus seen, tangible, embodied, on whom they were gazing. 4. That same Jesus shall come.—Luke 24:50-53; Acts 1:1-11. While prosecuting our work of evangeliza­ tion amid discouragements, delays, yet firm assurance, the promise “ This same Jesus shall so come” should affect us as it did them—with “great joy ” to “worship;' work and wait. work— “All nations.’"' XII. T he A scension .


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(Christ bring route a tfigfj priest of good things to mate, bg a JifM greater anb more perfert labrmarlr; not mahe mitlf hands, tljat is to oag, not of this building; neither hu the blood of goats and raises, but bg ljis stmt blond Ijr entered in nnrr into tlfe holg plate, Ijauing obtained eternal redemption for us.—jjfb. a: u , 12

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