King's Business - 1914-12

Bible Institute of Los Angeles Yoke Fellows’ Hall William Sloan,

Superintendent for two years had led the most dissolute life one could think of gives every evidence .of having found Jesus Christ his Deliverer and Keeper. T he Stimson Sunday School,, composed of bootblacks and newsboys, has had a good attendance and the boys are all doing good work in committing Scripture vepesibiMr. Mullen’s Street Meetings are growing ,in attendance and hundreds of men 'are-hear­ ing the Gospel message who would probably .never hear it from any other source. We desire your prayers and your help in doing the. work God wants done by the Yoke Fel­ lows in caring for the souls and bodies of -then that come into the Mission this winter, itielp this good work. taken the home work listen eagerly to the teaching of the class hour and share in" the discussions. At the close of each meeting the girls.are free to bring personal prob­ lems , to the teacher, and they are glad to use the opportunity. :No longer builders: of air castles and dreamers of dreams, the high school girls are’ now grateful for their own little corner at the Institute, called, “ The Rose Room.” .It has been so named, not alone because of the soft green walls and rUgs, the rose- splashed ...cretone, the rose-bud dishes or even the fresh pink blossoms .which keep the room fragrant ,but ’ from this—much prayer ascends as Sweet incense unto God. He has been making true that which .we claimed of Him and the room has become not only office and headquarters for the Euodia Club but verily holy ground, for these girls are meeting God face to face,— some alone in the early morning on their way to school, some during noon hours by special appointment with one of the work­ ers, some at the Saturday afternoon meet-

*T' HE month has been,.,one of hard blit -*■ blessed service. Drunkenness has been greatly in evidence and often was of the Satanic order. From three to five students have been'present each evening from the Institute and their help in the. street meet­ ings and in personal work has been greatly appreciated. The number of idle men that want work and must be cared for until they find work is increasing daily. S ome remarkable conversions have oc­ curred during the past month. One man, a murderer, that had been fold there was no hope for him by several :Christian ministers and workers found the blessed Lord who; forgives all- sins. He. was glad toltake work that was found for him. Another man, who lVTOW thanks be' unto that God who ’ always leads us forth to triumph, in the Anointed One arid diffuses by us the fragrance of the-knowledge of Him in every place (Literal translation).—2. Cor. 2 :14. ..T he motto had been chosen but what should be the. .name of our high school organization ? Great was our surprise when a friend who -was unaware of our motto suggested, “You might call it ‘Euodia.’ Euodia was mentioned, by Paul as a fellow- striver in the Gospel and the nominative form of her name signifies fragrance.” T he Euodia Club has at present branches in connection with ten high schools and one of intermediate work. Each branch holds a weekly -church. or residence as near the school as possible. There are a few songs and a season of brief prayers but the greater part of the hour is spent in Bible study. The study, of the Gospel of John according to the chapter summary method is being earnestly pursued by many girls. Others who have not as yet under­

Work Among the High School Girls Euodia Club

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