King's Business - 1914-12



found a mother and daughter thirteen years old reading in the Gospel of John and not understanding? They said, “We are so glad you came in. If you would only tell us about what we are reading!” An hour went by only too quickly. When we went to prayer the girl seemed clearly to have accepted Jesus as her Saviour and we feel sure the mother will follow. A quarrel in the home, a husband who tried the wrong path out of the trouble, the life saved, each party brought face to face with the consequences of sin, the Gospel presented, the Saviour accepted, a different, a new life begun with the sins “behind His back,” “buried in the depths of the sea,” “as far as the east is from the west,” and a walking softly and humbly before the Lord, a peace reigning in the re-established home —this is the beautiful story of God’s won­ derful love and power and grace in behalf of two people who knew not the Christ, but who now do know Him whom to know aright is life eternal. “T he people perish for lack of knowl­ edge.” In a very unpromising home one afternoon I found a very beautiful, spirit­ ual young girl about seventeen years old. I had a good talk with her and with a younger sister about the Lord, giving the little girl a Gospel of John, and promised to return and bring my daughter to see them. Going the next week, we were very kindly received and this time the mother brought a chair and sat with us. We were soon talking about the Lord, but the mother had a hard face. She said she was not saved but that she thought she was just as good as the church members. I gave her John 3:18 to read and then Revelation 20:11-15.

I never saw deeper conviction for sin in any face than when she finished reading. What her life had been I do not know, but she had seen this truth : That God’s Word said she was “ Condemned already.” As lovingly as I could and just as simply as possible I showed her how we are saved. She was particularly impressed by Romans 4:5, saying she had always tried to earn salvation and she had not seen it was a gift. Finally, after it was plain to her that salvation was by faith in another’s right­ eousness, she very simply and earnestly ac­ cepted Jesus and then the daughter too', lay­ ing, “I never understood before how to be saved.” After prayer together we instructed them in the way of God more perfectly and were about to go, when I noticed the younger sister had come in. In reply to a question I found she had been thinking seriously of what I had said on the pre­ vious visit, had been reading the Gospel, and she too wanted to accept Jesus as her Saviour. When we left the mother invited us to come back to talk to her husband. T he Bible class had proven very interest­ ing in the new field and the worker was happy in the presence of a number of en­ thusiastic church members until the topic of “Eternal Life” was taken up one after­ noon. The faces looked blank with amaze­ ment at the teaching of “Ye must be born again.” Discussion grew warm, surprise was followed first by opposition which melt­ ed into recognition of the truth “without the shedding of blood there is no remis­ sion.” Two class days completely revolu­ tionized the ideas of that band of women who had been well trained in church work and which they had ignorantly accepted as means of salvation.

The Work in the Shops Mr. David Cant, Superintendent

A A7HAT a wonderful thing it is to watch * * the workings of the Spirit of God in outward manifestation in the lives of those to whom we have the glad privilege of

carrying that water of life which if a man drink thereof he shall live forever and to see how graciously He works step by step opening doors, which no man can shut, for

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