King's Business - 1914-12



Boyd, R. P. Mormon God Is Not the God of the Brain, Belle M. F ifty M issionary Programmes..........___ .35 Fuel for M issionary Fires.......... ............ .35 L ove Stories of Great M issionaries.............50 M issionary Readings for M issionary Program s .... .fM.............. .....60 Transformation of Hawaii, The............. 1.00 W eapons for Temperance W arfare............ 35 Breed, David R. Preparing to Preach.................. 2.00 Breed, William P. H and-book for Funerals........... ............ .. .50 Brewer, A. T. How. to Make the Sunday School Go..........60 Broadhurst, C. N. Personal W ork .......... ;..... .“.¿¿¿i-.......... —vr .75 Broadus, John A. Harmony of the Gospels, A ................... 1.25 Lectures on the H istory of Preaching 1.25 On the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons .............................. 1.50 Sermons and Addresses.................................... 50 Study o f the Bible by Books, .05 Brockman, Fletcher S. “ If God Perm it” .03 Brooke, Hubert Coming of the Day o f God, The........ .40 Great H igh Priest, The....................................50 Studies in L eviticus....................... 1.00 Temple of H is Body, The......................... JL.00 Vision o f the Candlestick, The............... 1.00 Brookes, James H. Bible Reading on the Second Coming o f Christ .................................. pa 12 for .08 .............. .............. .............. 100 for .50 Did Jesus R ise?..................................................50 From Death unto L ife....g................................50 God Spake all These W ords............... pa .15 ......• ........,..^....,...,.........J.................cloth .50 God’s Gospel and Satan’s Counter­ feit ............... ....................... .05 H e Is Not Here.......... ....................... g................ 50 H ow Far Is the Bible Inspired? .25 “ I Am Coming” .... ............................... .— ..65 Israel and the Church. The Terms Distinguished as Found in the W ord of God ............................ stiff ......................... .................. ....... — cloth .75 Maranatha: The Lord Cometh.....^....... 1.25 M ystery o f Suffering, The.............................. 75 Outline o f the B ook of .01 Outline of the Books of the Bible, An .50 Resurrection of Christ, The............................ 50 W ay Made Plain, The.... . .65 Brooks, A* E. C. Answers to Prayer (by George Muller; compiled by A. E. C. B rooks).................... 50 Brooks, Phillips Beauty of a L ife of Service, The....G-b .25 Broomhall, Marshall Chinese Empire, The ........................ 2.50 D octor Lee ...L—. ...... ....... . .25 Faith and F acts as Illustrated in the H istory of the China Inland Mission .50

Boardman, Mrs. W. E. Fret Not Thyself ........H _j||8 B ....... pa .01 How To Maintain Life Without Wor^y ...... pa .05 Satan As An Angel of Light....,........,.pa .08 Simple Truths About .02 What To Do With Self. (The same booklet contains What Is Self?, by Mrs. Baxter)__ .............. .01 ..... 12 for .10 Boehme, Jacob Supersensual Life, The.............g..................20 Bonallo, James Lessons on the Gospel of St. .20 Bonar, Horatius Believe and Live........... .05 and .10 Blood of the Covenant, The............. pa .10 Christ the Cleanser...... .............. l...T:, .05, Cross of the Lord Jesus, .05 God’s Message of Peace to .05 God’s Way of Peace...................— .35 Herod’s Ball-Room.......................¿..——pa .05 ......___ ___ ________ Larger edition pa .10 Kept From Falling ........................... pa .05 Know the Lord........................ .02 Light in the Dark Place, The....,..... pa .01 One Way, or Many Ways: Which is It? ...__—..._______ .05 Sin-Bearer, The ________ pa .05 Turn Ye, Turn Ye______ .05 ‘ Way of Peace ......— .10 Bond, Albert Richmond Master Preacher,-The. The Homi­ letics of Jesus -------- - .......... 1*00 Booth, A . E. Course of Time from Eternity to Eternity, The ....... -.........-................ -40 Course of Time from Eternity to Eternity, The (Key to a chart) .10 Emigration Movement, .01 First Six Letters, The....................... pa .01 Ministries of Peter, of John, and of Paul, The .......................... pa .15 Repentance and Faith .03 Seven Different Judgments ........... pa .05 Seven “Neglect Nots” ...—gSsBBK& .02 ..................................................... 12 for .10 Seventh-Day Adventism: What Is It? ......................... -pa .06 Booth, Maud Ballington After Prison—What? ............. 1.25 Bosworth, E. I. Christ in Everyday Life....................G-b .50 New Studies in Acts......,.-.....—..........-............ Bounds, E. M. Power Through Prayer......................... 1.00 preacher and Prayer.............. pa .15 Purpose in Prayer..........,.^^..A-;............ 1*00 Bourdillon, F. •Help to Family Worship, A................. 1.00 Bowne, Borden P. Philosophy of Christian Scoence.... pa .10 Boyd, James Can We Believe the Bible?..... :........ pa .10 Boyd, James R. Westminster Shorter Catechism..........^- .50


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