King's Business - 1914-12



In Memoriam: Rev. J. Hudson Tay­ lor, M.R.C.S.................................................65 Islam in China......................................... 2.00 Martyred Missionaries of the China Inland Mission (edited by M. Broom- hall) ........... 1.50 Pioneer Work in Hunan by Adam Dorward and Other Missionaries...........75 Broughton, Len G. Christianity and the Commonplace.... 1.00 Kingdom Parables and Their Teach­ ing. Matt. XIII.... ....... .75 Prodigal and Others, The. Parable of the Prodigal Son........................... 1.00 Religion and Health.....................................50 Salvation and the Old Theology. (Ro­ mans) 75 Second Coming of Christ, The...l................ 50 Soul-Winning Church, The........ ................ 50 Table Talks with Jesus................ 50 Up from Sin: The Fall and Rise of a Prodigal . 4 ^,.^....:.:..'.:..»«.-.—............ .50 Brown, Abbie McCammon “ These Words of Mine” .................. G-b .25 Brown, Archibald C. Devil’s Mission of Amusement, .03 Brown, Arthur Judson Chinese Revolution, The..................... .75 Why and How of Foreign Missions, The .... 50 Brown, Charles Epistle of James........... ............. 1.00 Heavenly Visions ........'.......•.................. 1.00 Letters of Christ, The..................................35 Brown, Charles Reynolds Gospel of Good Health, The..........env .25 Pros and Cons of Christian Science, The ..............:.............. ......... .....^S^ .10 Brown, Charles Rufus Jeremiah. An American Commentary on the Old Testament.... ................. , .50 Brown, Colin Campbell Children of China... ............................— .65 China in Legend and Story........1.25 Brown, D. Critical and Explanatory Commentary (In collaboration with R. Jamieson and A. R. Fausset).* 2 vols.......... set 3.00 Brown, Elijah P. From Nowhere to .25 Lifting the Latch. An Hour with the 23rd Psalm ........................................ . .50 Raven and the Chariot. (Elijah)........ .50 Brown, Frank L. City Sunday-School, The.......... pa .25 Sunday-School and the .25 Brown, H. D. What Christ Did. A brief examina­ tion of the book entitled “In His Steps” ±Jggp^:^:......... pa .05 Brown, John Worker’s Pocket Concordance................... 25 Brown, Marianna C. How to Plan a Lesson................. ..............50

Brown, Robert Addresses upon “ The Gospel of the Grace of God” ....:.................. .............. 1.40- Doctrinal and Experimental Theology 1.75 Expository Teachings ........... .2.00 Gleanings from the Book of Ruth...... 1.50- Hidden Mystery, The. Psalm XIX.... 3.50 Outlines of Prophetic Truth. From Creation to Redemption. 2 vols..each 4.00- ! ......................................................... set 7.50 Sdripture Truths, Together with Di­ vine Unfoldings ........... 2.00 Brown, Ruth Mowry Bible in Lesson and Story.................... 1.25- Forty Bible Lessons and Forty Illus­ trative Stories ...... ........ ..................... 1.25- Brown, Theron Nameless Women of the Bible.......... . .50’ Story of the Hymns and Tunes, The (In collaboration with Hezekiah Butterworth) ..........................,..........- 1.50* Brown, Mrs. W. (C . Maud Battersby) Not Without Hope. A book for those in sorrow .................. ............—.......... .85- Study and Song. For the months of the year .......................................... bo .40 Browning, J. W. - Coming King, .05 Brownlie, John Hymns of the Early Church................. 1.00 Brownson, Mary W. Old Testament Story, The. 2 vols. Vol. I. The Patriarchal Age. Gen­ esis ...........I....:.................................:..... .75 Vol. II. The Development of the Nation. Exodus-Joshua ........................ 75* Bruce, Charles Birthday Book of Proverbs, The. - Serious, humorous, satirical.........G-b, -60* Brumbaugh, Martin G. Making of a Teacher, The................. . 1.00 Training the Teacher. (In collabora­ tion with A.'P. Schauffler and oth­ ers) ............— .35 ........................ cloth .50 Bruner, A . M. Bruner’s Shop Talks.......................... lea .50 Bryan, William Jennings Fruits of the Tree, The................................35 How to Win Men........... ....................... .25 Buchanan, L. George God’s Adversary and Ours...........................40 Buckham, John Wright Whence Cometh Help..................... env .25 Buckland, A . R. St. Paul’s First Epistle to the Thes- salonians ........... . ..........................- - 1.00 St. Paul’s Second Epistle to the Thes- salonians .......... 1 . 00 * Universal Bible Dictionary, The.......... 1.50- Buckley, J. M. Christians and the Theater............ - ............50

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