it lowers your heart rate as well as core and skin temperatures. 2. Get the Dirt. Try to walk, run, or cycle on dirtorgravelpaths,sinceasphaltandconcrete tend to radiate heat and reflect the sun’s rays, making you feel hotter. Live near water? Take advantage of the breeze on even steamy days; ifpossible,startoutwiththewindatyourback, so when you’re finishing you’ll be running into a headwind, which feels cooler. 3. Cool Down with Essential Oils. Dabbing a few drops of peppermint or eucalyptus oil on the back of your neck and at your temples just before your workout provides a cooling effect andalsoopensupyournasalpassages,soyou canbreathealittleeasierwhentheair ishumid. 4. Summarize Your Intervals. To keep your fitness level up, do your regular cardio at a slightly slower pace, but add in 30-second speed bursts every three to five minutes. You’ll maintain your conditioning and burn more calories without having to go all-out the entire time.
5. Refuel with Fruit. They’re more than 80 percent water, so fruits such as grapes, watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew are a tasty way to replenish fluids and boost your energypost-workout.Keepthemfrozenorgrind them into a smoothie for a refreshing treat! 6. Give Yourself Time to Acclimate. Ease yourselfgently intoyourworkoutsoyourbody canadjusttotheseason’swarmtemperatures. Theacclimatizationprocess,whichstreamlines your body’s cooling and circulatory efficiency, can take between 10 to 14 days. When temperaturesclimb,reduceyourdurationand workout intensity while slowly and gradually increasing your exposure to the heat. 7. Exercise with a Buddy. Aside from being safer, having an exercise partner makes workouts more enjoyable. No one is too fit to succumb to heat exhaustion, and it can strike anyone at any time during the summer. Minimizeyourriskbybeingcarefulandpaying attentiontohowyourbodyrespondstotheheat.
Put the cool factor back into your workout routine with these tips this summer! Always remember to stay hydrated and listen to your body to avoid dehydration or stressing any muscles. 1. Adjust Your Body Temperature. Hop into a cold shower before your workout. Studies show that a pre-exercise cool down improves performance in the heat — probably because
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