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Propane Inc. Propane Levac Propane Inc. 5552, Rue Ste Catherine St Isidore,On K0C 2B0 Faire parvenir votre CV par télécopieur 613 524-2081 ou Email : info@propanelevac.com OFFRE D’EMPLOI JOURNALIER / SAISONNIER DEMANDÉ POUR L’ATELIER • 40 heures semaine • Autonome, responsable et ponctuel • Permis de conduire exigé • Salaire selon expérience STAGIAIRE – Bibliothèque publique Poste temporaire (mai-août) à temps plein (35 hrs sem.) Exigences • Diplôme en Techniques de la documenta- tion ou en Sciences de l’information; • Avoir moins de 30 ans; • Sens aigu des responsabilités, excellent sens de l’organisation et bonne gestion du temps; • Excellente connaissance du français et de l’anglais. Faire parvenir votre CV avant le 27 avril 2012 - 16 h à : Mme Claire Dionne, DG Bibliothèque publique du canton de Russell Télécopieur : (613) 445-8014 courriel : mabiblio@russellbiblio.com Nous ne communiquerons qu’avec les personnes retenues pour une entrevue. Rémunération : 17$ / hr
15 minutes East of Orleans, is looking for: FOOT CARE TECHNICIAN Must have certificate Good english, french an asset Must supply own equipment Service contract for our 46-bed home HAIR STYLIST (CONTRACT) One Wednesday every 2 weeks Contact: Lyne Légère 613 835-2977, ext. 22 or by fax: 613 835-2982 lyne_legere@rogers.com FULL-TIME EVENING REGISTERED NURSE One weekend per 3 weeks (12-hr shifts) Week days are 7.5-hr shifts ONA rate - Experience recognized Benefits and RRSP plan
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Administrator Caressant Care Nursing and Retirement Homes Limited Bourget, Ontario Located in Bourget, Ontario, reporting to the Regional Manager, the successful candidate will be responsible for providing leadership and direction to this 60-bed nursing home. The preferred candidate will have: • A post-secondary degree from a program that is a minimum of three years in duration, or a post-secondary diploma in health or social services from a program that is a minimum of two years in duration. • At least three years working experience in a managerial or supervisory capacity in the health or social services sector. • Excellent leadership, communication, interpersonal and computer skills. • Successfully completed or is enrolled in, a program in long-term care home administration or management that is a minimum of 100 hours in duration of instruction time. Duties to include accounting functions, marketing, budgeting and human ressources management. Interested candidates should respond by email as soon as possible, but not later than April 20, 2012 to the attention of: Wendy Patterson - Regional Manager Eastern Ontario Caressant Care Bourget
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2279 Laval St., Bourget ON K0A 1E0 Email: wpatterson@caressantcare.com
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