العدد 23– أغسطس/آب 2024

in many different ways, including arranging suspicious deals to purchase them from those in charge of them, all of whom are non-Palestinians, specifically Among the Greek ecclesiastical authorities are those authorities that supervise and control most of these endowments, thus leaking them to colonial settlement groups, as is generally the case with Islamic endowments that the occupation authorities seek to harm, all in order to continue the process of Judaizing all of the historic land of Palestine and Jerusalem. In the forefront of it, and erasing its Arab Christian and Islamic nature. This paper is an analytical political study related to the reality of Orthodox endowments in Jerusalem, by reviewing the reality surrounding this important issue, presenting documented data, numbers and facts, the interactions of what is happening, and the role of the Palestinian Arab clerics in defending those endowments and preventing their leakage, and resisting all projects. In addition, the occupation groups that work to buy these endowments surreptitiously and behind the backs of the followers of the church and their legitimate owners, the people of Palestine. The material was based mainly on the daily follow-up of the developments of the “Israeli” policy regarding Orthodox endowments in Palestine and the city of Jerusalem, and on all the documented data that was published and revealed in this regard from both official and popular Palestinian sources, and on sources from within the national ecclesiastical authorities in Palestine.

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