العدد 23– أغسطس/آب 2024

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samvadaworld.com/featured/cyberwarfare-growing-chinese-cyber-threats-and- implications-for-india/. (30) Cyber Capabilities and National Power: A Net Assessment, IISS, 28th June 2021, Accessed: 22/9/2023, https://www.iiss.org/research-paper//2021/06/ cyber-capabilities-national-power. (31) Biswarup Baidya, op. cit, ZTE Corporation is a Chinese partially state- owned technology company that specializes in telecommunication. Founded in 1985, ZTE is listed on both the Hong Kong and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges. (32) Andrzej Kozłowski, The Assessment of the China’s Cyber Warfare Capabilities and Its Consequences for Potential Conflict over Taiwan, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2015, "Accessed: 22/9/2023", https:// core.ac.uk/download/pdf/71981805.pdf. (33) Ibid, p. 165 (34) Adam Jourdan, China-U.S. cyber spying row turns spotlight back on shadowy Unit 61398, Reuters, May 20, 2014, "Accessed: 22/9/2023", https://www.reuters.com/article/us-cybercrime-usa-china-unit- idUSBREA4J08M20140520. (35) Mark Clayton, US indicts five in China’s secret ‘Unit 61398’ for cyber- spying on US firms, The Christian Science Monitor , May 19, 2014 , https:// www.csmonitor.com/World/Passcode/2014/0519/US-indicts-five-in-China-s- secret-Unit-61398-for-cyber-spying-on-US-firms, Accessed: 22/9/2023 (36) Andrzej Kozłowski, op. cit, p.165 (37) Ibid,p. 165. 15 ) خالــد وليــد محمود، ماذا وراء اإلعالن عن إســتراتيجية الصين الرقمية؟، الجزيرة نت، 38 ( https :// cutt . us / D 5 UNY ،) 2023 سبتمبر/أيلول 22 ، (تاريخ الدخول: 2023 أبريل/نيسان (39) David Dorman, The Digital China "Plan" is New, but "Digital China" is Not, Digital china wins the future, 27/2/2023 ,"Accessed; 21 may 2024", ,https://digitalchinawinsthefuture.com/2023/02/27/beijing-issues-plan-for-the- overall-layout-of-digital-china-construction/

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