العدد 23– أغسطس/آب 2024

where none of the social science theories have successfully offered a comprehensive theoretical explanation of social phenomena. How then can we make theory more explanatory? We seek to answer this question through the lens of Thomas Kuhn’s concept of the "scientific community", integrating it with interdisciplinary collaboration across three dimensions. In the first dimension, we address some factors that impede the "comprehensiveness" or "holistic nature" of theoretical interpretations. These factors include specialisation and the intellectual framework of paradigms, highlighting their role in limiting interpretative completeness. In the second dimension, we critique the partial nature of theoretical interpretations by examining ideas from the general theory of rationality in sociology, as proposed by Raymond Boudon. The third dimension, titled "Approaches to Overcoming Theoretical Partiality in Interpretation", focuses on theoretical solutions found in selected texts and proposes strategies to enhance the holistic explanatory power of theory. Keywords: specialisation, partiality in interpretation, interdisciplinarity, scientific community, holistic interpretation.

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