King's Business - 1914-10



guided by such wise, consecrated, and sym­ pathetic friends as Mr. Lewis and Miss Hill, and we thank God for them. ■C hange of C lass H ours . Beginning with the new term the regular classes will be held in the morning instead of in the afternoon as heretofore. From 9 to 10 a Bible lecture, from 10 to 11 a music class, from 11 to 12 a Bible lecture. The change is commending itself already, although it has necessitated a change of work on the part of some stu­ dents. T he F all T erm . The prospects for the new term are very encouraging. Nearly 100 new students have been accepted who ex­ pect to register on the first Monday in Octo­ ber. This is the earnest of a large regis­ tration. We bespeak the prayers of our friends, and theirs, for these easnest young people in their new surroundings, facing new problems and beset by new temptations, that they may, by God’s grace, become skilled workers for Him. T he club room on the seventh floor of the men’s department was inaugurated with an all night prayer meeting, about fifty men being in attendance. It was one of the best prayer meetings of that kind we have ever held—many men reached the place of victory and we believe that some things of great moment to the Institute were settled. A joyful company of men went out in the early morning to be and do more for their Lord than ever before. T he P rint S hop . We opened the print shop in July and commenced a successful business at once. Mr. Havermale, with hi 3 long experience in_ the, printing business, and Mr. Lees, with his persuasive powers on the outside, have made this possible. We are prepared to do all kinds of book work as well as commercial work of any kind. All profits from this department will be used in the free distribution of Gospels and tracts.

These brethren are loyal followers of the Lord Jesus and go forth in the spirit of love and faith for a soul winning work. R ev . J oseph W. K emp . We are disap­ pointed in having to announce that on ac­ count of conditions that have arisen across the water our Brother Kemp felt constrained to ask to be released from his engagement with us, and we felt that under the circum­ stances we had to grant his request. He was greatly blessed in his addresses at the Montrose (Pa.) Bible Conference this summer. M r . D avid C ant , a former Moody Insti­ tute student and for a number of years a faithful friend and worker in the Institute services, succeeds Mr. Lewis in taking charge of the shop meetings. Mr. Cant has had large experience in Christian work, is a splendid Bible preacher, and has a hold on the hearts of the men of the Fishermen’s Club. We give him a real warm welcome to our fellowship. M r . R. C. L ewis , for a number of years the Superintendent of the Shop Work, has been appointed Superintendent of the Men’s Department of the Institute and will give his whole time to the spiritual interests of the men students. Mr. Lewis is well quali­ fied for this work and we are sure’ will prove a wise and helpful counsellor to the students. He has been holding evangelistic meetings this summer in Columbia. South Carolina, and has had abundant evidence of God’s blessing upon his. work. Miss M ary H ill , we are glad to an­ nounce, has come to us to take charge of the young women students in their home life and to direct their practical work. Miss Hill’s training in the Moody Bible Institute and her experience in the Young Women’s Christian Association .(she was the first Y. W. C. A. secretary in India) fit her admir­ ably for her new and responsible position. We congratulate our students, both men and women, that they are going to be

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