King's Business - 1914-10



The apparent, results were forty-seven souls saved and surrendered and many saints strengthened and brought to a closer rela­ tion with the Lord and each other. We fel­ lows were given a larger vision of our need, and of the grace and power of the Saviour. Also, many false impressions that the people had of the Club and the Bible Institute have been eliminated. Mrs. Burwash and Miss Merrill, two In­ stitute students, did a great work in house to house visitation. Several elderly people who were not able to get to the meetings were brought to the Lord. All through the meetings the Lord was there, blessing, en­ couraging and yet keeping us on our. knees and humbling us and bringing glory to Him­ self. The Fishermen who had the meetings in charge were John Daniels,' Albert Seigle, The Spanish L. H. Jamison, W ORK has been continued at Monta- bella, the Santa Fe camp, Clearwater and Whittier. The meetings at the latter place have been especially good of late; both the Tuesday evening meeting and the Sun­ day school service held each Sunday after­ noon. R egular visits to the County Hospital and several others have been kept up all during the summer. In fact the work has all gone on during the summer months as usual. A beginning has been made at Al­ hambra which we hope may prove a fruitful field. A summer school was conducted there for six weeks and the friendship of the people has been secured. R ussellism has been making inroads into the Spanish work. The followers of this doctrine have been sowing their pernicious literature everywhere, translated into Span­ ish. They have also been paying certain ones to scatter their books and papers and interpret for them. So subtle is the teach­ ings that unless well instructed in the Word, *he believers in the different churches be-

George Hampton, Joel Soderberg, Edward Heineger, Henry Greenewald and the Evan­ gelistic Secretary, Tom Colwell. Mr. A. B. Anderson was the speaker all the last week. The Holy Spirit gave him great unction and power in presenting the “Love of God,” and the punishment of the wicked. Many sin­ ners who went out of the tent that last night will never get away from the messages and the truth they contained. Others who brought the message were: Dr. Horton, Mr. Parker, Harry Hardy, Rev. Nicholson, Rev. Walker and Mr. Beck. Souls were saved almost every evening and as one elderly man said at the last meeting, “I will never pass this lot but I will remem­ ber the blessed times we had in this tent and the lot will have an appearance and as­ sociation it never had before.” Mission Work Superintendent come easily entrapped, especially if it is of a pecuniary advantage. We need the pray­ ers of God’s people during these days, when the enemy on every hand is seeking to hin­ der God’s work. O ur open-air Bible Class, each Sunday morning from nine-thirty to eleven o’clock has proven so far one of the best of our works. The attendance has been from one to three hundred men. There was at first much opposition from the socialistic ele­ ment, but lately .it has not been so great. However, the opposition rather helps than hinders. Our Lord suffered “contradiction of sinners.” We began at the first chapter of the Bible and have not yet finished the third chapter of Genesis. The converted anarchist has been of great blessing to this work. He works hard every day and not only helps in our evening open-air meet­ ings but also gives a splendid Gospel mes­ sage at our class each Lord’s day morning.

F ourteen persons professed their faith in the Lord during the month of August.

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