for themselves. “Do you worship images?” When I pass a satisfactory examination and assure them that I do none of these things and that though I am a Gentile, I really love the Jews, that I believe in the Jewish Bible, worship the God of Abraham, and am look ing for Messiah, they give me their con fidence and I see the wounds that race pre judice and hatred have inflicted on tender little hearts. One day one of these children ran into the house to bring me her school reader to show me where she had scratched out a picture of a cross, because she hated it so. Do you wonder, when they have been so persecuted in its name? I was talking to a Jewess about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, showing her from Mr. Jamison’s chart that the glor ious kingdom promised to David was the little stone that is to smite the great image, and how one day the Jews are to be the head of the nations with Jesus their Mes siah, King over all the earth. Two children were listening; one a little eight-year-old said, “Then there won’t be any Czar?” Her wistful eyes were full of wonder. She was such a tiny little girl, I had not noticed her at all, but her little body held an aching heart, for she had been born in Russia, where one dear Auntie was murdered and another, young and bright, with all the long ings and aspirations of such a woman’s heart, is a prisoner in Siberia. Oh, the tears and sighs, the moans and groans of this poor world. Are they not, like deep bass notes, the thundrous undertone of a mighty chorus of desire, blending with the voices of those that love Him, who cry, “Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly!”
“L ittle pitchers have big ears,“' conse quently our Bible women are always glad when some of the children come in to listen when visiting the Jewish homes. Quite often the mothers, noticing their interest, will try to send them on some errand to get them away from the “dangerous” teaching. I was talking quite recently to a Jewish mother about Jesus Christ. Her two little girls were playing nearby. I noticed that one of them often stopped in her play and looked up quickly as though she were listen ing. The very next day, on her way to the store for her mother, she came around to our house just to tell us that she loved Jesus. She told us how when she told her mother, who is a believer, she said it was all right, but that her father threatened to whip her if she ever said that again. And then she said to us, “I don’t care; I love Him anyway.” And so our hearts rejoice, “being confident of this very thing that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” W on ’ t you pray for Margaret, a black- eyed Jewish girl, living next door to this home, who listened to the Gospel some months ago and drank it all in so eagerly, but who is not allowed to talk to the “mis- sionaire” any more? Desire to know more about these things overcame her one day, however, for when she had followed me around the corner to be out of sight, she asked some question about the future life that seemed to be troubling her. They ask all sorts of questions, these Jewish children. For instance, “Did the Jews kill Christ?” “Do you wear a cross ?” being careful to examine the end of my watch chain to see
The Bible Women’s Work Mrs. T. C. Horton, Superintendent
A NE girl gave her testimony in the Bible class. “I know now from God’s Word that I am saved, because I used only to have hatred in my heart for everyone I did not fancy and now it is so different. I love them, and know it is God’s love in me.”
Two weeks ago I talked with a woman in the hospital who had been a Catholic. When I first spoke to her she said: “Oh, can you tell me how to have peace in my heart?” Last week I talked with her over an hour and she knelt with me in prayer and made
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