Hola Sober July

Heard On Zoom

LADIES QUOTING others to support each other used the following words of wisdom last month: “There is such a powerful eloquence in silence. True genius is knowing when to say nothing, to allow the experience, the moment itself, to carry the message, to say what needs to be said. Words are less important, less effective than feeling. When you can sit in perfect silence with someone, you truly know how to communicate.”

It's so hard sometimes when I am the only one not drinking at the office Friday get-together. It is so freaking hard. And THAN. I realised I DID NOT NEED TO GO for hours on end. I could go for an hour and LEAVE. How did I not realise that as a grown woman, I can LEAVE. I realised this last night when I looked around and I thought, I want to go home and sit on my own porch and drink a zero beer with some music on. I do not need to be here with people drinking lots of alcohol and beginning to get messy because THIS is what I used to do. I do not live there anymore. This is BIG for me and I wanted to share that at the age of 38 years old, I realised I could pick up my purse and LEAVE whenever I wanted...." "I relate to so much of what you are saying…guilt, mixed emotions, memories, vulnerability hangovers…and finding the light through sharing our stories and leaning into community. Beautiful share by a beautiful human!"

" I admire those who cry. Who brings the real and raw. Who speaks of the heavy. People like you saved my life. I relate to everything you said… internalizing things around us very strongly and also being naturally more inhibited and having social anxiety. That’s why the big a-hole alcohol felt so necessary. I believe finding self-love inside me is the key and the belief that I too am worthy of the joy around me. I am so grateful for your share." "I Love the reframing of our sober rituals as being an opportunity as opposed to an obligation. It goes back to the “we get to.” This time I am redoing Pledge 100 without feeling the need to comment for exactly that reason. I am still able to connect daily through WhatsApp. Trusting myself is a gift of sobriety." " YES! I've been trying to convince my husband that modern recovery isn't misery and that the people in sobriety circles aren't sad, depressing people to be around. I think he sees that I come out of meetings smiling and dancing."

- Richard Wagamese-

“I don't want to touch you skin to skin. I want to touch you deeply, beneath the surface, where our real stories lie.”

-Richard Wagamese

“I tried to drown my sorrows, but the bastards learned how to swim.’ – FRIDA KAHLO― Catherine Gray

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