Hola Sober July


f ocused and centered. Prayer and Meditation empower spiritual energy to enter our heart, and works with us to change our moments. And our moments, no matter how brief, create our reality.

What makes it right? makes it wrong?

What makes the next right thing right is doing or saying something from our highest self. There is no selfishness or intention other than love for the other person, and to be of service. Our motives are pure and true without deception. What makes the right reason, wrong? When we do something with expectations of receiving something in return, or when our motives are driven by self. Greed and fear lead the list. #2 Developing an Attitude of Gratitude. We are aware of lots of sad people who have had a rough life and know plenty of sad people who only thought they had a tough life. Reinforcing gratitude is key to standing away from our darkness, regardless of anyone’s situation. The choices we make in the face of despair help to soothe an otherwise miserable existence for ourselves, and for everyone around us. My mother relays a story her father shared with her. I met a man who had no shoes He felt sorrow until he met a man who had no feet. Our lives can be as miserable and sad as we want them to be. The choice is ours alone to make. Some stay there all day. Gratitude opens the door to positivity. We are here to help others any way we can and one important way we can do so, is by developing an attitude of gratitude in everything we see, everything we are, and everything we have, and then passing it on to others. # 3. Prayer and Meditation Our Universal Spirit is here and aware, all of the time. I drove 45 minutes to work one way for twenty years and people would say, “Good night, isn’t it boring?” I knew there were no mistakes. It was my time with God, and it was priceless. Not everyone has that luxury. Even five minutes sitting in quiet contemplation each day may be enough to become

#4 Helping Others

Helping others is one of the surest ways to feel good about ourselves and pay it forward by doing for others. Random acts of kindness are a wonderful way, no matter how trivial, or small, to do something for someone else. With just a little imagination, helping others can be some of the most gratifying work we can do. It allows us to lead by example. We reap, as much if not more, more satisfaction than the recipient. It is always a win-win situation. When We Change our Perspective, We Change Our Life! Harriet Hunter is an Award-Winning and Best Selling Author of Miracles of Recovery. "We are so much better than we THINK we are!"


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