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One of life9» most important questions
M o r e a n d m o r e p a s t o r s a n d C h r i s t i a n l e a d e r s a r e r e c o m m e n d i n g . BIOLA COLLEGE
Because of the great'need, for Christians in all walks of life, Biola is striving to give Christian young people a well rounded education in the spiritual, academic, cultural, and social aspects of their lives so that they might be qualified to do the task to which God has called them. Majors are offered by the following Divisions: Biblical Studies, Education ( including Physical
Education and Psychology), Fine Arts, Humanities, Science, and Social Science.
T h e K l i r i g f ö B u s i n e s s
Louis T . Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman M A Y , in the year of our Lord Vol. 56, No. 5 Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-five Established 1910 Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home
t e l e s WANDERING IN WONDERLAND — Vance Havner .......................... 12 IS CAP ITA L PUNISHMENT A CRIME DETERRENT? — Charles L. Feinberg ............................................................................... 14 TH E BEATLE CRAZE — Eddie Wagner ................................................ 16 A WOMAN 'S FA ITH — M . R. DeHaan .................................................. 18 CAN AN INTELLIGENT PERSON BELIEVE TH E BIBLE? — PART TW O — Louis T . Talbot ....................................................... 21 HOW T O ESAPE TH E TEENAGE PRISON — Al Johnson ................ 36 F e d r n GUEST EDITORIAL — Roger Arnebergh ............................................. 6 DR. TALBO T'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T . Talbot ............................ 27 TA LK ING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ........................................... 30 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert ..................................................... 32 SCIENCE AND TH E BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ............................ 34 Celuww READER REACTION ....................................................................................... 4 PEOPLE IN TH E NEWS ............................................................................... 6 QUESTIONS PEOPLE DARE ASK MERV ROSELL — Merv Rosell .... 25 PRESENTING TH E MESSAGE ...................................................................... 29 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss ...................................... 31 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert....................................................... 35 UNDER TH E PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ....................... 39
t r a c k was my life! “When I broke the mile record in 1961 at West Point, I had reached my goal. I learned early to set goals for myself. But I didn’t learn to let God choose my goals for me until my last year at the Academy .. . “My biggest victory came on the day of my worst loss. I had finished sixth and was ready to hang up my spikes.” That was the day Army Lt. Ted Benz was introduced to Christ by the caretaker of the Academy field house. This athlete’s keen testimony will appear soon in COUNSELOR, Christ-centered take-home paper for today’s Juniors. Each week in COUNSELOR, such true-life stories and adventure fiction catch the interest of Juniors and help them live for Christ. Ar ticles from science and “True Ad ventures” cartoons add to its keen spiritual message. JOIN THE NEARLY 1%-MILLION REAOERS NOW ENJOYING SCRIPTURE PRESS TAKE-HOME PAPERS Your Sunday School needs these inspirational, real-life papers. Mail coupon below, or visit your Christian bookstore. ^
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— All Rights Reserved —
S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor A L SANDERS: Managing Editor B ETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor
JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager
VIRGIN IA SCHWEPKER: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD: William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker
ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.
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MAY, 1965
SELECT BROADMAN SUPPLIES. . . toaidin your evangelistic eforts
CHURCH OF GOD I am writing you concerning a recent article in your Cults Critique column in regard to the Church (es) of God. Un fortunately, as the writer said, there are many groups which go under the title “Church of God” whose doctrine and teachings vary almost to the ex treme. However, I regret that she did not see fit to indicate that there are groups who go by the name “Church of God” who are evangelical and Protes tant and are very strongly founded upon the Biblical witness. The Church of pod, Cleveland, Tennessee is a mem ber of the Evangelical Press Associa tion just as THE KING’S BUSINESS is and also are members of the Pente costal Fellowship of N.A., the World Pentecostal Conference and the Na tional Association of Evangelicals. Duran M. Palmertree, Church of God Public Relations Department, Cleveland, Tennessee E ditor ’ s N ote ; We are glad to publish Mr. Palmertree’s letter, for we do not regard as a cult those who believe in the Trinity, in the deity of Christ, and salvation through the atonement of Christ. A request from us brought a full published statement of doctrine from this particular branch of the Church of God. While it is a Pente costal group, believing as do all Pente costal bodies, in speaking with tongues as the initial evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, with which BIOLA does not agree, we note in the fourteen- point articles of faith many cardinal teachings of the Word of God with •which we are in full accord. Space does not permit publication of the full state ment but certainly belief in the follow ing absolves this group from the stigma of being denominated a "cult” in the sense meant in our column. “ We believe,” the Declaration of Faith states, “In the verbal inspiration of the Bible; in one God eternally exist ing in three persons, namely, the Fa ther, Son, and Holy Ghost; that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of the Father, conceived of the Holy Ghost, and born of the Virgin Mary; that Jesus was crucified, buried and raised from the dead; that He ascended to heaven and is today at the right hand of the Father as the Intercessor; that justification, regeneration, and. the new birth are wrought by faith in the blood of Jesus Christ; in the premillennial second coming of Jesus, first, to resur rect the righteous dead and to catch away the living saints to Him in the air; second, to reign on the earth a thousand years; in the bodily resurrec tion; eternal life for the righteous, and eternal jmnishment for the wicked.”
A two-part personal soul-winning commitment card. One part to be filed in the church office; the other is a billfold-size card to be signed and kept by the prospective soul-winner. 100, 75ft 500, $3.50; 1000, $6.25 SUNDAY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE CHAIN Small gummed slips to be used by Sunday school members for pledging attendance at revival services. Slips are linked to form a chain for pro moting revival attendance. 500, 80ft 1000, $1.50 HOWTO VISIT (Flip Chart) Helps answer such questions as: What attitudes and skills are necessary for effective visitation for enlistment? What skills are necessary for meeting special needs through visitation? 11 x 14 inches, 18 pages. $1.00 POST CARDS Beautiful full-color cards encourage attendance at revival services. Messages of invitation on front, space for personal message on address side. No. 306 and No. 307. 12, 25ft 100, $1.50 WELCOME NEWMEMBER ENVELOPE To be used by a church to make up a packet of materials for a new member. Size, IVi x 10Vi inches, with attractive illustration and “Wel come New Member,” printed on the front. 100, $5.50 HOMEVISITATION RECORDOF DECISION A two-part, snap-out form, 4 x 6 inches, to be used for recording a de cision made by an individual in home visitation. 100, $1.65 Census Supplies. . . CENSUS CARD Provides space for name and other vital information about an individual. Form 675. 100, 30ft 500, $1.20; 1000, $2.15 CHURCH SURVEY RECORD (FAMILY) A census card for recording information about an entire family. Form 725. 100, $1.00; 500, $4.50 SURVEY ASSIGNMENT ENVELOPE Holds all information transferred from the director of the church census to each district captain. Space provided for a sketch of census territory, number of houses in territory, etc. Form 735. 100, $2.50; 250, $6.00; 500, $11.25 TELEPHONE SURVEY RECORD Use in conducting surveys by telephone where there is a limited number of workers. Instructions on back of the card. Form 740. 100, 55ft 500, $2.25; 1000, $4.25
Ask fo r Broadman a t your
Peopleintie News
Dr. Henry Brandt, psychologist from Detroit, Michigan recently spoke at the second international convention
Hopkins University in the field of Semitics (Ph.D.) and is Associate Professor of Religion at Andrews University. Dr. J. Edwin Orr recently spoke at the winter spiritual emphasis week at Wheaton College at which time he concisely presented the realities of Christian experience and the ne cessity of applying them to daily living. After his closing message, Dr. Orr invited to come to the platform students who wished to share their expressions of love for Christ or spir itual commitments which they had made during the week. The response continued until 11:30 at night when Dr. Orr closed the meeting. Com menting on the week of meetings, Dr. Hudson T . Armerding, president of the College, said, “ It is evident that Dr. Orr was guided by the Holy Spirit in his ministry here on cam pus. This was particularly manifest in the closing service. The deep ear nestness of the students as they gave their testimonies made a profound impression upon us all. Mrs. Ethel Barrett, Gospel Light di rector of audio-education and writer- director of Gospel Light filmstrips, compares the standard size 35mm
for t h e Christian Camp and Confer- ènee A s s o c ia t io n held at Green Lake, ■. near Oshkosh, Wis- -4 | j| consin. Dr. Lars Gran- Berg, also a psychol- o g is t , was a W t among the featured sp eakers . Their .
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Dr. Brandt topics were “Ther apy o f T rou b le ” and “ Creating Atmosphere for Spir itual Growth.” Dr. Kenneth D. Wells, president of the renowned Freedoms Foundation, Valley Forge, P enn sy lvan ia , an nounced recently that Teen World, a division of World Opportunities, Inc., has been designated to receive the Foundation’s George W a sh in g ton Honor Medal Award as the outstand ing 1964 Patriotic Youth Program. Dr. Roy McKeown, president of World Opportunities, Inc., received the an nouncement of the award. Mr. Ken Taylor, author and publish er, has announced that “ Living Let ters” has seen twenty-two printings with over one million copies in print, and that sales are still climbing steadily. Mr. Taylor has prepared an other paraphrase this time of the Minor Prophets, Daniel and the Rev elation, entitled “ Living Prophecies” which has just-been released. Peter Landerman, the American re cently released from a Soviet prison, is applying for service with Wycliffe Bible Translators and the Summer Institute of Linguistics. Mr. Lander man, 24, who has a strong faith in God, said, “ The manner in which I was strengthened fr om resources other than my own in a Soviet prison camp and what I saw there have again brought home to me the reali zation that the Gospel of Christ as set forth in the New Testament offers the only hope for mankind and the only real solution to the human pre dicament.” Dr. Siegfried J. Schwantes of Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michi gan, was the winner of the Baker Book House 25th Anniversary Manu script Contest. The title of Dr. Schwantes’ prize winning manuscript is “ A Short History of the Ancient Near East.” The prize is an expense- paid trip to the Holy Land. Dr. Schwantes is a graduate of Johns
HHHH lothy |rings clear through nineteen hundred years, iyjd still todaytheScriptures havepower, for youngandold alike, “tomake thee wiseunto salvation.” longer thanany other— Cambridge University Presshasheldtheprivilege, the responsibility, of publishing the greatest book of all, theHolyBible.
projector and filmstrip (left) with the new “ split 35mm” which is less than half standard size. Developed by Church-Craft Pictures, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri, the “ split 35mm” filmstrip will go into use with Gospel Light Vacation Bible School lessons this summer and with selected parts of the Gospel Light closely graded curriculum this fall. Great advan tages of the new “ split 35mm” are convenience and low cost. A projec tion kit including projector, screen and carrying case sells for $17.50.
b *
MAY, 1965
'S c \\ 6 Q a message from the editor
BELOVEDENEMY A young scientist sets out to dis prove the deity of Christ and meets the unaccountable Man! 90 Min. Ld Dramatic Cobi Feature!j f h ( t y f 'it i/ 1204 N. Elmwood, Peoria, Illinois Write for this and other films
Guest Editorial by Roger Amebergh, Los Angeles City Attorney C H R I S T I A N S C H O O L S
I n th is day of emphasis upon state-supported colleges and univer sities, with their modern facilities, what is the necessity for a private Christian school? The answer becomes increasingly important not only to Chris tians, but to all America. Our nation was founded upon Christian principles. W e then recognized our national and individual dependence upon God. Study of the Bible was a part of our daily lives. As indicative of our belief in God in the early history of this country, it is interesting to look at our historic documents such as the United States Constitution which states that it was signed "the Seventeenth day of September, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Seven.” In court proceedings, it has always been our general custom to have a witness take an oath that he will testify to "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God.” It is not only our historical documents and customs, however, that are revealing. Famous Americans throughout our illustrious history have recognized their dependence upon the Bible. For ex ample, George Washington stated: "I t is impossible to govern the world without the Bible.” Numerous other quotations could be referred to but this is sufficient to show the past attitude of leaders of our country with respect to the Bible. Even more significant is that the foundation of education in America was laid in schools that not only read the Bible, but also taught their pupils the supreme importance of its message. That the religious purpose was dominant in our first schools was evidenced in the textbooks that they used. For the first fifty years the Bible was the only universally used textbook. In 1690 the New Eng land Primer was published. Drawing heavily from the Scripture texts, it also contained both the Westminster Catechism and John Cotton’s "Spiritual Milk for American Babes.” It has been said that "i t taught millions to read, and not one to sin.” This remarkable textbook was the chief school and reading book for the next cen tury and a quarter, and was widely used for an additional twenty- five years (to 1840).
To identify yourself when writing advertisers, simply mention "King's Business." THE ORIGINAL IRENE B. RANNEY RANNEYGRAPHS A V A I L A B L E A G A I N IN FULL COLOR ON 15" x 2 0 " SHEETS I MM E D I A T E DEL I VERY
GOOD NEWS fo r Pastors, Teachers, Superintendents, and children every where: th e original RANNEYGRAPH lessons are available again — ready for immediate shipment, regular or flannelized. W idely used fo r 2 5 years, th e RAN NEYGRAPH teaching aids w ere de veloped by M rs. Irene B. Ranney w ith a w arm th and sim plicity th a t reaches th e hearts of children, giv ing th em a lifetim e grasp of the basic Bible stories. SETS — M ANUAL and CUT-OUTS: GENESIS— 23 lessons sheets regular flannelized (2 manuals) ............. EGYPT TO CANAAN — . . i l $4.60 $7.10 15 lessons ............... .. 8 3.25 5.00 JOSHUA, JUDGES & RUTH- 12 lessons ................ .1 2 4.00 6.50 DAVID — 13 lessons .. LUKE — 23 lessons .1 3 4.50 7.00 (2 manuals) ............. JOHN — 23 lessons .1 2 4.60 7.10 (2 manuals) ............. .12 4.60 7.10 ACTS— 14 lessons . . . .. 8 3.25 5.00 SONGS CHILDREN LOVE- 5 lessons .................. . 4 1.50 2.50 FOUNDATION LESSONS — 5 le s s o n s .............. . . . SUEDED 2.00 Order from THROUGH THE BIBLE PUBLISHERS 4032 Swiss Avenue • Dallas, Texas
When The New England Primer yielded its place as the most widely used textbook, it was succeeded by the notable McGuffey’s Readers, which were likewise saturated with direct instruction in Scripture and moral principles drawn from the Bible. For the first four-fifths of our American history the Bible not only was widely read in our schools, but its teachings also dominated the content of our most extensively used lower grade textbooks. Further, many of America’s great universities were founded by Christians. For example: Flarvard was founded in 1636 by John Harvard, a young Puritan clergyman. Yale was founded in 1701 by ten Connecticut clergymen. Princeton was founded in 1746 by the Presbyterian Church. But something happened: About 1850 an organized movement * to secularize American education first became noticeable. This secular trend developed along two lines: First, the use and influence of the Bible in the schoolroom and in textbooks were gradually reduced. A comparatively recent survey of the "readers” used for textbooks in Massachusetts schools revealed that in 1800 spiritual and moral lessons accounted for 99 per cent of the content. By 1875 the spiritual and moral content of the read- . ers had been reduced to 50 per cent. By 1946, less than one per cent of the material in the readers used in the public schools of Massachu setts had any moral or spiritual significance. These figures are typical of the trend in the content of American textbooks. As a conse quence, pupils began to study the universe and the world we live in with no reference to the Creator; they studied the history of prime ministers and potentates with no mention of the King of kings. The second line of development to propagate secularized edu cation was through the teacher training schools. Here young teach ers were trained in the philosophy that no spiritual values were to be mentioned in the classrooms. As the atheistic philosophy of the new Paganism came to dominate the thinking of professors of edu cation, Biblical faith was sneered at as superstition, and human in tellect under the control of science was enthroned. The secularizing of American education was tremendously ac celerated during the 1930’s, when many of our leading educators visited Communist Russia. Among these were John Dewey, William Kilpatrick, George Counts, Harold Rugg and Boyd Bode. There these educators saw a society based on three principles: 1. 3. Man is completely the product of his environment. By con trolling the surroundings it is possible to create a new man. Economic determinism, as this is called, denies spiritual forces and denies ► the necessity of supernatural intervention to make man a "new creation.” (continued on page 8) MAY. IM S supreme. In other words, "There is no God.” i 2. Man is an animal, the product of evolutionary forces. Since there is no God, obviously man is not a special creation.
Missionary pilots are trained with a modern fleet of planes here at the Moody Airport. It’s a challenging life! Perhaps you have dreamed of serving the Lord in this way. If you qualify, there’s excellent training at the Institute, and you’ll become proficient as a pilot-mechanic. But, most important: you will grow in rich spiritual maturity to face the rigors of the mission field. You’re expected to be a topnotch pilot. . . expert maintenance man. Surely. But much more! As a missionary pilot you’ll be virtu ally a one-man airline: administrator, diplo mat working with foreign governments, purchasing agent. There’s an important spir itual ministry in sharing the burdens of the isolated missionary. Here’s a man-size chal lenge. It’s a ministry of full-time service of tech nical support . . . not part-time flyer, part- time missionary. It calls for a unique approach in education and practical training to serve any place in the world. Mission boards tell us Moody graduates exhibit a proficiency unmatched by any other school . . . religious, secular or military! Missionary Aviation is a four-year course at Moody. Two years of Bible and Mission ary training plus two years in training as Commercial Pilot and licensed mechanic. Graduates readily meet all MAF and JAARS requirements . . . find demand for their services around the globe . . . con tribute to the effectiveness of the cause of Christ in mission lands.
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CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS (cont.) by Roger Arnebergh With John Dewey as philosopher- captain, William Kilpatrick as inter preter - lieutenant, and a corps of loyal associates, the movement to take God out of American education has proceeded at an ever-accelerating rate. Education in the public schools in America is today almost completely secularized. As Dr. C. C. Morrison, former editor of The Christian Cen tury, said: “The public schools are creating a secular mentality faster than the Church can Christianize it.” Court decisions have gone hand- in-hand with the efforts of educators to secularize American public educa tion: 1. The United States Suprem e Court says we can’t even give away the King James edition of the Bible on school property. 2. Recent decisions of this same Court even prohibit prayer in public schools. 3. State Supreme Courts in vari ous states have specifically excluded the Bible from public schools. The effect of these decisions, from a practical point of view, is to ex clude the Bible, in fact, to exclude God, from our public schools. Insofar as I know, there are only two coun tries in the world in which it is for bidden by law to teach the Bible in the public schools. These countries are Russia and the United States. That America was a Christian na tion formerly could be taken for granted. Now we have cause to pause and consider: Is America still a Christian nation? Some time ago I saw the famous statue of the “ Pioneer Mother.” As you know, this depicts a mother with a Bible in one hand, and leading her child by the other. That was true of the pioneer mother. Today many of the mothers I see are holding a cock tail in one hand and a cigarette in the other. What is the impact of all this on the youth of today? Is education without God complete? And what im pression is made upon the minds of youth by secularized or godless edu cation ? It is logical, to assume that every thing important is being taught in school. One goes to school to become educated, to learn everything desir able or helpful, especially in the pub lic schools of today : the three “ R’s" (to an extent at least) are taught in our public schools; “ life adjust ment,” including “ How to act on a date,” is taught; “ Social Studies,” (Concluded on next page)
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V i e t Nam, L a t i n America. Do you wonder where it will end? Bible prophecy doesn’t give answers to all these daily happenings —but THINGS TO COME opens a broad per spective of God’s eternal plan. Never before have the grand themes of pro phetic truth been unified into such a complete and systematic study of Biblical eschatology. Includes a history of inter pretation, study suggestions, detailed out lines of unfulfilled prophecies. 633 pages *7 " “ Dr. Pentecost has met and solved many prophetic problems with rare skill. . . ” Dr. John Walvoord, President, Dallas Theological Seminary D r. J. Dwight Pentecost is a faculty member o f Dallas Theological Seminary and also carries on a broad Bible conference m inistry . GOD’S PLAN FOR THEFUTURE Liknii Strauss —if he studies the Word with a heart submitted to the Spirit. A remarkably thought-provoking prophetic study on: The Signs of the Times, The Only True Church, The Judgment Seat of Christ, The Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks, The Jew and Palestine in Bible Prophecy, Can We Expect World Peace, Our Only Hope. 256 pages *3 " Dr. Lehman Strauss,form er minister o f the well - known Highland Park Baptist Church , Detroit , Michigan , and author o f a number o f books , is much in demand as an evangelist and con • erence speaker . at your bookstore ZONDERVAN [&J Publishing House. Grand Rapids Michigan 49506 Can man learn God’s plans for the future? Dr. Strauss says "yes”
Evangelical Teacher Training Association Official Certificate (awarded by E .T .T .A . upon completion) Preliminary Certificate Course, 6 Units $3.50 per Unit ...................... 6 Units $17.00 Advanced Certificate Course $3.50 per Unit ....................... 6 Units $17.00 Bible Study Courses Christ in the Tabernacle (Talbot) ..... $ 6.50 The Bible Says ...._____________ _________ 1.00 Studies in the Gospels ............................... 6.50 The Book of Acts ........................ .. 3.50 The Book of Ephesians .............. . 5.50 BIBLE GEOGRAPHY (includes Atlas) 11.00 Bible Prophecy Courses The M inor Prophets, 5 Units (Feinberg) 16.50 The Prophecies of Daniel (Talbot) *...... 6.50 The Book of Revelation (Talbot) ..............6.50 Bible Doctrine Courses Bible Foundations ............................... 3.00 Practical Bible Doctrine .............2.50 Studies in Romans (Thomas) .............. 7.00 Biola Correspondence School D*pt. EC2 558 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, Calif.
CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS (eont.) including “How to select good radio programs,” are taught; music, arts, drama, dancing, sports are taught. In fact, everything, except religion, is taught. It is not surprising that the stu dent naturally assumes the Bible is unnecessary and unimportant. As it is not taught, he logically assumes it is not worth while. In fact, each day private schools and colleges become more necessary if we are to have academic freedom in the proper sense. This is especially true in view of the gradual inroads being made toward federally con trolled, standardized, godless instruc tion. This danger is more insidious and imminent than generally real ized. It would be catastrophic to the America we know—fatal to a Chris tian America— if our schools con sisted only of a nationally controlled public school system. Our education would become totally secular or god less, and ultimately the youth of America would become completely indoctrinated into a standardized mold of political philosophy. This could lead eventually to blind adher ence to the whims of an absolute dictator. I am not attacking our public schools as such. My point is that if we have only public schools, then a serious danger exists, even aside from the spiritual values lost be cause of their secularization. How can a Christian prepare for life without God? For a Christian youth to prepare fully for life re quires the coordinated impact of home, church and school. The social pressure of the school which excludes God from its pro gram, and the subtle undermining of the Christian faith resulting from a secularized education, are tremen dous forces driving our people away from their Christian heritage. Many of you who are concerned about the spiritual welfare of your children — and of the nation — are convinced that the Christian college is God’s answer to this problem. In this hour of crisis, let us turn to them to prepare a militant body of believers who will have the cour age and the training to support the cause of Christ and His Church! In addition to being Los Angeles City Attorney, Mr. Amebergh is a member of the Biola Board of Direc tors, and attends the First Presby terian Church of Hollywood. He was elected to his present civic position in the 195S primaries, and has been an outstanding spokesman for Chris tian principles.
a message from R. G. LeTourneau IN V E S T W I T H M E IN GOD ’S W O R K ” Receive up to 8/4% on your investment “ Building earth moving machines has been my job. But now I’ve tackled something even bigger. It’s educating young people at LeTourneau College. I’m used to carrying the load myself and I wanted to do it this time, but it’s too big a job to do alone, so I’ve turned the running of the College over to my son, Richard. And I’m inviting you to be a partner with me. I’ll invest all I can—you invest with me. I’ll see that you get a good return, and your invest ment can go on and on working for the Lord. Pretty good proposi- tion, isn’t it?” • A S E C U R E IN V E S T M E N T . . . up to S%% return, depending upon age. • IM M E D IA T E P A Y M E N T S . . . no waiting 'til old age. • S T A B L E IN COM E , means peace of mind. Income checks paid sem i-annually. • S U B S T A N T I A L T A X A D V A N T A G E S . Much of your annuity income is tax free, according to present regulations. You're far ahead with LeTourneau Annuities. • C O S T L Y M IS T A K E S A V O ID E D . No legal fees. No worry. • Y O U M A Y A D D T O Y O U R A N N U IT Y PR O G R AM A T A N Y T I M E . . . increase your annuity income as you see fit.
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Please rush me complete information on how I may share in your partnership with God at LeTourneau College and receive up to 8% % on my investment.
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MAY, 1965
ALUMNI, WELCOME HOME by Martha Hooker and Mildred Cook
is a loved word for a pre- 1cious place. It gathers all the deep meaning of protection, provi
H o m e ”
sion, discipline, understanding. And Biola — the school itself as distinct from its physical location— has always been your home. It is not merely a place where you stayed with us for a short time until the Lord called you to serve Him elsewhere. Rather, it is a refuge to come back to (in thought and in fact), with eagerness and with joy, an area for sharing, with neophites, the chal lenges of your own God-given task. Yesterday Dr. Sutherland and I (M.S.H.) stood at the very spot where the Alumni Building is planned to be erected. In the rosy glow of a California sunset, in imagination I saw you coming back to the Biola we all love. Though ground has not yet been broken for “your” building, because of a prudent policy of ad vancing only as funds are available, I saw you tour this restful and com modious structure in amazed won der at what the Lord has done for the school, and in gratitude that this part of a growing modern plant is yours. Proposed Alumni Building Entering, you found the busy Alumni Secretary’s office and two other rooms particularly for alumni use, the prayer room and the lounge. You stepped into the hall named for Miss Emily Alexander, your friend and missionary-hearted Bible Wom an to whom all Biola students were dear. Here you found a meeting place for groups of 350 or less, pro vided with excellent visual aid equip ment. You saw that in six classrooms, in constant use by students, “mis sions” was emphasized by planned displays featuring a new field each week. You looked ahead, as we all do, to future additions to your building which will offer overnight housing on campus for alumni guests. All that stands between the antici pation and the reality is the provi sion of remaining funds for the building’s completion. Will you ask God, as we do, to send them speedily? We want to welcome you here for a visit—soon.
FLANNELGRAPHS from GENESIS to REVELATION Make your talks dynamic, your teaching easier with Story-O-Graphs Bible Characters. REALISTIC, LIFE-LIKE DRAWINGS, full COLOR, *large size. 13 colorful hand painted backgrounds. Vis-U-Fold . . . Aluminum Telescopic Tripod end‘ fabric board folds into compact roll. W rite for FREE folder and price list to: STORY-O-GRAPHS, P.O. Box 145-M, Dept. KB, Pasadena 16, Calif.
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f i l l V v 1
reviewing materials for
Scripture Press Wheaton, Illinois
Gospel Light Press Glendale, California
One cannot help but be tremen dously impressed by the outstanding kits which have been prepared by this leading West Coast publisher, yet the word “kit” hardly describes the beautiful presentation sets of outstanding “ all new” m a te r ia ls based on the theme, “ Discovering Christ.” The entire subject matter, as well as coordinated feature mate rial, is based on relating the Word of God and the message of Christ to the modern space age. This year, too, Gospel Light Press puts a heavy emphasis pn Bible vis uals with gianj; 11 by 17 colorful pic ture stories, bringing a new concept to this important area. A dramatic filmstrip prepared by Ethel Barrett is a v a ila b le to churches. She has also recorded some excellent 7 inch LP albums on the various phases of Vacation Bible Schools. Concordia Publishing House S t Louis, Missouri Four complete craft sets for nurs ery, kindergarten, junior, and junior high are among the art projects from the outstanding Lutheran publishing firm. The appropriate theme for the 10-day Vacation Bible School is “ God’s Children Pray.” The art work in color with the various children of different nationalities is particularly appealing. The publishers feel that one of the most awesome and yet blessed privileges a Christian pos sesses is that of prayer, yet it is one most often neglected. Great Commission Publications 7401 Old York Road Philadelphia 26, Pennsylvania From the Orthodox Presbyterian Church a new series of Vacation Bible School materials has been pro duced, samples of which are avail able in an attractive kit. Complete information is listed in a handy 24- page catalogue, available upon re quest. Work books are available for younger groups. The G reat Commission stresses “ full Bible content” with the sugges tion, “ Let the Bible speak for itself.”
Utilizing a new theme, “ Proclaim ing Christ Our Peace,” Scripture Press Publications of Wheaton, Illi nois has produced some outstanding materials for this important aspect for the church’s summer program. A helpful kit contains descriptive materials, including a leader’s hand book with new ideas for VBS plan ning, preparation and publicity. In addition, there are 20 VBS charts and check lists. Before making any final decisions, the Christian educa tion director, or the appointed com mittee contemplating the plans for VBS, will want to make a careful study of these features. (The kit also includes a $2.50 credit certificate for orders totaling $25.00 or more.) A film strip, showing the “ Royal Commission,” is available for teach er-training. It is also ideal in de partmental staff meetings, workers’ conferences as well as parent-teacher meetings. Actually, eight new de partmental film strips are offered this year covering the areas from nursery to the adults. Standard Publishing Hamilton Avenue at 8100 Cincinnati, Ohio One of the most impressive sample kits for this year has been produced by Standard Publishing Company and resembles a colorful brief case or portfolio. The theme for 1965 is “ My Saviour Teaches Me.” An excel lent plan directory is presented which also serves as an order book, including special gifts and awards. The areas of concentration are on nursery - pre-school, beginner, pri mary, junior, and junior high. For the director there is a special man ual and song book. Standard also is making available a new film strip with the title, “ Seek Ye First the Kingdom.” A recorded narration is available for the picture. Crafts are always an important item and this publisher has produced in triguing materials for each of the five grades. Every box contains proj ects designed to last for the entire conference.
• Nearly Vh million in print • More Biblical information than any book of comparable size • Concise Bible commentary • Amazing archaeological discoveries • Church history • Select Bible verses. Many more helpful features • 968 pages, 4" x 6 Vi" at your bookstore Z 0 NDERVAN Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506
BIBLE t e l l s m e
[ f o r t h e
New filmstrip by Ethel Barrett is a dramatic yardstick to measure your Sunday School. An inspiring experience for Sunday School leaders. Color sound. FREE USE. Gospel Light ¡Publications, Glendale, Calif. Dept. VK55
M idlw eA i am i Qam ula REPRESENTATIVES Rev. and M rs. A rthur W. Konrad Regional Office Box 91, Wheaton, III. 60188 Thirteen years director C entral American P Bible In stitu te Available for Missionary Conferences Consultation THE CENTRAL AMERICAN MISSION BOX 6'J45 DALLAS. TEXAS 75219
MAY, 1965
A lice in W onderland ’ s L ewis C arroll wrote another kbook, Alice Through the Looking-glass. I like to read it when I was a boy. Everything was backwards in Looking-glass Land. When I survey the present-day evangelical situation I get the same impression that I used to have reading Alice’s adventures on the other side of the mirror. Pity any old-fashioned Christian who tries to put the puzzle together. He may end up like the Dutchman who said, “Vot is all dis fussing about? I sure vould like to get into a good old Jesus meeting.” Satan seems to have executed a master stroke by enveloping us in general confusion. He is an artist in deception and “while men slept” he has sowed a crop of tares that only a few can distinguish from wheat. He would deceive, if it were possible, the very elect and never did the saints need so much grace for dis cernment to try the spirits whether they be of God. Out of all this, two extremes have developed: some spend all their time with a microscope looking for error and lose the joy of their salvation; others trying to be gracious end up being gullible, like the Hollywood actress who explained her interest in astrology by say ing, “ I believe in everything a little bit.” Looking-glass Land is tame compared to the reli gious menagerie today. All sorts of strange causes are championed. For a little publicity, men who ought to know better break into print with the wildest of state ments. We are supposed to be in a religious renaissance much of which may be a cheap substitute for the real thing. Sunday morning crowds at church would not deceive Isaiah or Amos, and Paul forewarned us about a facade of godliness without power. All the pitiful fleshly tricks to drum up interest by contests and prizes are but a parody on the apostolic church. We are about to blow a fuse trying to sound as intellectual as the modernists. And when a scientist says a good word for the Bible we go into raptures as though that settled it.
TIM E FOR A NEW LOOK? Among the other wonders of this new Looking-glass
claiming the gospel. A child has a sense of wonder. Gypsy Smith ex plained the secret of the freshness of his ministry into the ’80s by saying, “ I have never lost the wonder.” We are in a battle of wits and a bustle of works in the church these days but somewhere amidst the wits and the works we have lost the wonder. And nothing on earth can be so dry, stale, flat and unprofitable as Chris tian work without the wonder, the statutes without the song, the words without the music. W H A T DID TH E Y HAVE? The early church did not have much that we have but they had something we do not always seem to have. They knew the Lord, they were filled with the Spirit, they loved each other, everyone was a missionary and they were looking for the Lord to return. They had wits aplenty, keen intellects, and works abounded for theirs was a labor of love, but all this was glorified and trans formed by the Spirit of God. They were “ open on the Godward side,” as Dr. Phillips puts it. Today much of evangelical Christianity is like John Wesley before Aldersgate, well-reared, educated, hard working, separated, missionary-minded, but for all that, trying to take off on a cold motor. Until its heart is strangely warmed it will continue to wander like Alice in Wonderland. W H A T IS TH E ANSWER? But how shall we change from childishness to child likeness? Our Lord told us: “ Except ye be converted and become as little children . . . ” Conversion comes first. There must be a radical turn, an about-face. We need a heartwarming. So, amidst all the panels and symposiums, we had better, along with the aforementioned Dutchman, “ get into a good old Jesus meeting.” If we cannot find one, let us have one personally and then invite the neighbors. If any man will open the door, He will come in. Where two or three gather in His name He is there. That is a Jesus meeting and it is the only answer to wandering in Wonderland.
Land are the Rethinkers, Revaluators and Reappraisers of everything from inspiration to the tribulation. One would think it a late date to be examining the foun dations of our faith. Some theologians may need to be examined. And it need not be so disturbing just because Martin Luther or some other worthy may have had his doubts as to the canonicity of a book or two in the Bible. The Bible does not stand or fall with any man. Every man stands or falls on his relation to the Word of God. “ Let God be true but every man a liar.” And how tragic that Bible believers should fall into the subtle trap of arguing the tribulation so vehemently that we have little time to simply rejoice in the blessed hope! We pilgrims are discussing the timetable and missing the scenery. And now comes a new tempest over worldliness and separation. A few fundamentalists with their rigid “don’ts” come in for a blasting. Most church members that I know are in no danger of becoming puritanical. A lot of ink could be used on the wilderness wanderers who would rather have Egypt’s melons than Canaan’s manna. SHALL WE MAKE TRUCE? Then, too, what about another crowd that one sel dom hears mentioned, Christians who say they are living in the land but who have come to an armistice with the Philistines and a truce with Gibeon ? Certainly we need to get out into the world and let our light shine in a dark place. But a godless generation will have little truck with a real Christian, and how strangers and pil grims can be hail-fellows-well-met and chummy with a pagan age is not set forth in the New Testament. Most of the efforts made today to clarify the issue of separa tion only confuse it and give false comfort to worldly- minded Christians. Obviously, the way out of a stupor is not by getting into a stew. Can a man be a simple, humble, plain Chris tian today? Our Lord said that we must be childlike if we would enter the kingdom. Too many are childish instead, children of the market place as our Lord called them, playing church instead of practicing and pro
MAY, 1965
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Is Capital Punishment a Crime Deterrent? by Charles L. Feinberg, Th.D., Ph.D. Dean, Talbot Thelogical Seminary
I T seems that periodically , especially after some murder of national implications or publicizing, our country is afforded the doubtful privilege of more advice on the matter of capital punishment. We are
reminded of the remark of the jury member who was asked his opinion of capital punishment and rejoined, “ I favor it if it is not too severe.” The recurring argument is that capital punishment
instinctive awareness that most criminals are created by society itself. Sensing this, they experience further feelings of guilt for society’s punitive measures toward malefactors. But most persons tolerate guilt feelings badly and, in order to defend themselves against them, make use of massive denial, resulting in the expression of an unreasonable degree of hostility.” This is one of the strangest evaluations of the subject that have come to hand. It is not new that modern sociology lays the blame for crime on society instead of the individual. Apparently, the best punishment for society, then, is to be compelled to live with the criminal. If ever there was a case of misplaced responsibility, this is it, yet it is con tinually offered to explain why deadly criminals are to receive a slap on the wrist or token punishment at the most. We must have some way of salving our guilty consciences. But to accuse society of allowing these guilt feelings to rise to such a pitch, that it is prepared to commit a mass crime, is so far afield that this pill will not down, no matter how sugar-coated. At this point it may be allowed to turn our attention to some authoritative pronouncements of the Word of God on the subject. In Genesis 9:5, 6 it is written: “ And surely your blood, the blood of your lives, will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it: and at the hand of man, even at the hand of every man’s brother, will I require the life of man. Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.” In regard to the cities of refuge to be set apart in Israel it was recorded in Numbers 35:31, 33, 34: “Moreover ye shall take no ransom for the life of a murderer, that is guilty of death; but he shall surely be put to death. . . . So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are: for blood, it polluteth the land; and no expiation can be made for the land for the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it. And thou shalt not defile the land which ye inhabit, in the midst of which I dwell: for I, the Lord, dwell in the midst of the children of Israel.” Paul, in treating of the authority of governments, declared in Romans 13:4: “ But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is a minister of God, an avenger for wrath to him that doeth evil.” Some pointed questions are in order here. When the subject of capital punishment is discussed, how often is God brought into the matter? Nowhere does the emi nent psychiatry professor even mention God. Since He is the sovereign Lord of life, is He not to be considered ? Is it not an impertinence of immense proportions to rule Him out of the discussion? Is it not true that those who are so adamant against capital punishment, often favor no reasonable punishment of offenders? They often rec ommend psychiatric treatment in institutions, from which all too often the guilty are soon released to prey once more upon society, and perpetrate more and even greater crimes against society. The basic trouble is that psychiatry as such, and much of modern penology, re fuses to take the Biblical estimate of human nature, disclaiming all desire to assign responsibility, because they loudly affirm this is the realm of the metaphysician Finally, the discussion of capital punishment will never make any headway until God’s pronouncements in the matter are taken at their full and proper value, and the concept of a deterrent is eliminated in the case of the murderer, for the Word of God does not even inti mate that this is a primary consideration. We have been far afield in this crucial matter for too long; it is time the subject was treated from the Biblical standpoint.
is useless and eminently ineffective as a deterrent. It should be pointed out that it is the most effective deter rent to further crime as far as the executed criminal is concerned. But is this the chief consideration in the mat ter of executing a murderer? In the John Hopkins Magazine for May, 1964, in an article entitled, “ Jack Ruby, The Law, And Psychiatry,” by Manfred S. Guttmacher, M.D., Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at The Hopkins, and chief medical officer of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore since 1920, the posi tion is taken (p. 28 ): “ Capital punishment has virtually no deterrent force. First of all, a great majority of mur ders qualify as so-called ‘crimes of passion’ ; they are the product of extreme anger or fear or frustration. In such cases, punishment is probably the farthest thing from the offender’s mind at the moment of the act. And sec ondly, only a very minute portion of the murderers are executed anyway. Certainly if we did away with capital punishment we would be able to deal with the criminal in a much more rational way than we do presently.” The positions of the learned professor are notori ously fallacious, as we shall presently show. First of all, it has never been conclusively demonstrated that capi tal punishment has practically no deterrent value. The elements involved are so diverse and manifold, that glib conclusions cannot be considered valid. Has it ever been demonstrated conclusively that a society without capi tal punishment is more law abiding and less subject to murders and crimes of violence? Who can competently answer this vital question ? Secondly, are crimes of pas sion to be put in a category by themselves and the per petrators of them to be held beyond proper punishment? Think of the vast ramifications of this action. Who could adjudicate the cases after this fashion? Furthermore, would this change one iota the fact that the victim of such crimes was deprived of life, useful service, and the comforts and love of his home? Thirdly, why should it enter into the discussion whether the offender at the time of the act had in mind the fact of punishment or not? Does this minimize in the least degree the heinousness of taking human life which is the prerogative of no man in an individual capacity? Fourthly, a palpably weak argument is that which holds that-a very small portion of murderers are executed anyhow. This sounds like arguing it both ways. Again, would the professor suggest that, since so small a number of culprits in any infraction of our laws are brought to book, we should do well to abolish punish ment altogether? To say the least, this view would fit hand in glove with modem theories of progressive ( !) education. Fifthly, we maintain strongly that there is no assurance that with the abolition of capital punish ment, anybody would have greater competence in deal ing with criminals more rationally. This involves a num ber of non sequiturs that would keep a keen logician busy all night in refuting. Furthermore, in all the years of discussion on capital punishment as a deterrent it is singular that J. Edgar Hoover, Director o f the Federal Bureau of Investiga tion, who is probably more conversant with the statis tics in this area than any other individual in this coun try, has never gone on record as an advocate of the abo lition of capital punishment. This must be explained in some cogent manner by the sponsors of the repeal of the laws favoring capital punishment. But Dr. Guttmacher has more to say on the subject. He holds (p. 28 ): “Many individuals have a two-fold sense of guilt in regard to criminals. They have an
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