King's Business - 1965-05

ALUMNI, WELCOME HOME by Martha Hooker and Mildred Cook

is a loved word for a pre- 1cious place. It gathers all the deep meaning of protection, provi­

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sion, discipline, understanding. And Biola — the school itself as distinct from its physical location— has always been your home. It is not merely a place where you stayed with us for a short time until the Lord called you to serve Him elsewhere. Rather, it is a refuge to come back to (in thought and in fact), with eagerness and with joy, an area for sharing, with neophites, the chal­ lenges of your own God-given task. Yesterday Dr. Sutherland and I (M.S.H.) stood at the very spot where the Alumni Building is planned to be erected. In the rosy glow of a California sunset, in imagination I saw you coming back to the Biola we all love. Though ground has not yet been broken for “your” building, because of a prudent policy of ad­ vancing only as funds are available, I saw you tour this restful and com­ modious structure in amazed won­ der at what the Lord has done for the school, and in gratitude that this part of a growing modern plant is yours. Proposed Alumni Building Entering, you found the busy Alumni Secretary’s office and two other rooms particularly for alumni use, the prayer room and the lounge. You stepped into the hall named for Miss Emily Alexander, your friend and missionary-hearted Bible Wom­ an to whom all Biola students were dear. Here you found a meeting place for groups of 350 or less, pro­ vided with excellent visual aid equip­ ment. You saw that in six classrooms, in constant use by students, “mis­ sions” was emphasized by planned displays featuring a new field each week. You looked ahead, as we all do, to future additions to your building which will offer overnight housing on campus for alumni guests. All that stands between the antici­ pation and the reality is the provi­ sion of remaining funds for the building’s completion. Will you ask God, as we do, to send them speedily? We want to welcome you here for a visit—soon.

FLANNELGRAPHS from GENESIS to REVELATION Make your talks dynamic, your teaching easier with Story-O-Graphs Bible Characters. REALISTIC, LIFE-LIKE DRAWINGS, full COLOR, *large size. 13 colorful hand painted backgrounds. Vis-U-Fold . . . Aluminum Telescopic Tripod end‘ fabric board folds into compact roll. W rite for FREE folder and price list to: STORY-O-GRAPHS, P.O. Box 145-M, Dept. KB, Pasadena 16, Calif.

Leading selections in the Authorized King James Version Scofidd REFERENCE BIBLE Handy Size Concordance Edition The most widely known reference Bible in the English language, with all the famous Scofield features. French Mo­ rocco, half circuit, round corners. With Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names, Subject Index, and colored maps with indexed Atlas. Minion, Black Face type on Ultrathin Oxford India paper. B lack , red under gold edges; B lue or R ed , gold edges. Size: 4% x 7Via. only %" thick. 133x. $15.00 NEW LONG PRIMER TEACHER’ S BIBLE Durablybound andprinted in large, modi­ fied self-pronouncing type, this attractive KJV Bible features an Illustrated Cyclo­ pedic Concordance, 100,000 chain refer­ ences, and Family Record. Levant Grain Persian, half circuit, simulated leather lining, round comers, red under gold edges. Ultrathin Oxford India paper. Size: 5% x 8% x 1". 04693x. $18.50 t h e



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