King's Business - 1965-05


A lice in W onderland ’ s L ewis C arroll wrote another kbook, Alice Through the Looking-glass. I like to read it when I was a boy. Everything was backwards in Looking-glass Land. When I survey the present-day evangelical situation I get the same impression that I used to have reading Alice’s adventures on the other side of the mirror. Pity any old-fashioned Christian who tries to put the puzzle together. He may end up like the Dutchman who said, “Vot is all dis fussing about? I sure vould like to get into a good old Jesus meeting.” Satan seems to have executed a master stroke by enveloping us in general confusion. He is an artist in deception and “while men slept” he has sowed a crop of tares that only a few can distinguish from wheat. He would deceive, if it were possible, the very elect and never did the saints need so much grace for dis­ cernment to try the spirits whether they be of God. Out of all this, two extremes have developed: some spend all their time with a microscope looking for error and lose the joy of their salvation; others trying to be gracious end up being gullible, like the Hollywood actress who explained her interest in astrology by say­ ing, “ I believe in everything a little bit.” Looking-glass Land is tame compared to the reli­ gious menagerie today. All sorts of strange causes are championed. For a little publicity, men who ought to know better break into print with the wildest of state­ ments. We are supposed to be in a religious renaissance much of which may be a cheap substitute for the real thing. Sunday morning crowds at church would not deceive Isaiah or Amos, and Paul forewarned us about a facade of godliness without power. All the pitiful fleshly tricks to drum up interest by contests and prizes are but a parody on the apostolic church. We are about to blow a fuse trying to sound as intellectual as the modernists. And when a scientist says a good word for the Bible we go into raptures as though that settled it.

TIM E FOR A NEW LOOK? Among the other wonders of this new Looking-glass


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