King's Business - 1965-05

“The most helpful volume on Revelation that has appeared during the 20th century,” says Dr. Wilbur Smith of The Book of the REVELATION by Lehman Strauu 384 pages $4.50 From YOUR CHRISTIAN BOOKSTORE or LO IZEAUX BROTHERS, Inc. Dept. KB, P.O. Box 70, Neptune, N .J. HOW TO PUBLISH

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speakable horror and confident trust; between bloodthirsty savages and natives transformed by the grace of God through the preaching of the Gospel; between two frail godly women and the fierce forces of Satan. Suspense, adventure, miracle, cour­ age and faith mark every page. Touchingly Miss Hege describes the hasty, coffin-less burial of her beloved companion. Again and again she ex­ presses deep appreciation for the nu­ merous sacrifices shown by the na­ tive Christians in their protection of her; for the valiant Missionary Avia­ tion Fellowship fliers who rescued over one hundred missionaries dur­ ing the Congo crisis; for the prayers of Christians everywhere and the love between missionaries. Although describing death and torture, the book at the same time is a docu­ mentary for the indisputable fact that missions “pay” in the conver­ sion of the heathen. While writing of highly dramatic events, the author is to be commended for the restraint and dignity which she exercises. This volume should be circulated widely, particularly among young men and women, not only because of its heroic content, but also because of its mov­ ing, spiritual quality. Two chapters are entitled: “ A Night to Remem­ ber” and “ A Day to Remember.” We should like to add: “ A Book to Re­ member.”—Reviewed by Mrs. Betty Bruechert. 191 pages; cloth; Thom­ as Nelson & Sons, New York and To­ ronto; $3.50. Since the days of Jesus the “ Jew­ ish Christian” argument has existed. Some histories o f it have been writ­ ten, but Dr. Schoeps, a German Jew, devotes half of the present volume to recounting the story. He thinks that the questions involved “will continue to exist and to be relevant until the end o f the world” (p. xi). An in­ creasing number of Christians and Jews are taking a serious interest in the issues involved. The Christian reading this book will find many TH E JEW ISH-CHRISTIAN ARGUMENT By Hans Joachim Schoeps

The Acts of The Apostles by Thomas Walker

Since this commentary was first printed in 1910 at Madras, India, it has been widely sought after. It pro­ vides background information, out­ lines the book and each chapter, and is an exhaustible reservoir of source material for sermon preparation and Bible study. Each verse, each line, and each phrase of the first history book of the Christian Church is in­ tensively examined. The Book of Acts is a bridge—a bridge from dead works under law to salvation by grace, a bridge from the finished work of Christ to the fresh work of the Holy Spirit, a bridge from the Jew to the Gentile. The book is a mammoth missionary expressway a l ong wh i ch stand God’s road signs for Christian mis­ sions. The Acts of the Apostles pro­ vides proof once again that success attends God’s work done according to God’s Word. Here is a practical, valu­ able, and unusual commentary with a brief introduction and biographical sketch by Dr. Wilbur M. Smith. Ac­ cording to Dr. Smith, “ It is without question the greatest commentary on the Book of Acts from a missionary standpoint. . . . Great multitudes of ministers, missionaries, and Bible students will be abidingly grateful to Moody Press for making this book available to a new generation.” 586 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago; $4.95. This detailed, authentic account by the co-worker of Miss Irene Fer- rel of her murder by Congolese Com­ munists on January 24, 1964, and of the author’s own miraculous escape after a terrifying “ cat - and - mouse” game with the terrorists for four days, scarcely can be read without tears. In one small volume the “ ifs” and “ if nots” of Daniel 3:17-18 are illustrated perfectly in two dedicated Christian lives. Startling contrasts appear in the book: between un- We Two Alone Attack and Rescue in the Congo by Ruth Hege

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