King's Business - 1965-05

things in it to stir his blood. Too many times charges made against Christians by the Jews prove to be well founded. A Christian writing the history can find many most vio­ lent attacks of Jews upon their own people who have become Christians. Whenever the hostility has moder­ ated, exciting periods o f convergence and exchange have occurred. Coming to doctrinal issues, the author points out the tenacity of the Jew to his Old Testament Scriptures, and the necessity of any Christian’s argument to demonstrate his theses from those Scriptures. Unfortu­ nately the number who can handle the Old Testament intelligently in this argument are not many. It is the dispensationalist who has the advan­ tage here, we believe. But even with this background, it takes special training to conduct the “ conversa­ tion” with sufficient validity to hold the interest and respect of the trained Jew. This book will help to point out the issues that have to be faced in any such exercise. — xiv, 208 pages; cloth; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York; $5.00. JACOB HAVE I LOVED by Jean Rees. 285 pages; cloth; Wm . B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids; $3.95. A novel of the Biblical patriarch covering his history to his appear­ ance in Egypt before his son Joseph and his death. THE SANCTITY OF SEX by Stephen F. Olford and Frank A . Lawes. 128 pages; cloth; Fleming H. Revell Co., Westwood, N.J.; $2.95. The two authors of this book are well-known preachers, pastors, and Bible teachers. By request they have written this down-to-earth book for teen­ agers who are involved almost daily with prob­ lems for which they get little real help from standard sources. The spiritual level is high, but does not appear out of reach. SOUL-WINNING EVANGELISM by J. E. Conant. 168 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing Co., Grand Rapids; $2.95. A good balance between theory and practice is maintained by this au­ thor, who has been pastor, evangelist and Bible teacher. Beginning with the theology of evan­ gelism, he goes on to its dynamics and then to the practical aspects of the subject. LIVING ABOVE: INSPIRATIONAL DEVOTIONS FOR WOMEN'S GROUPS by Betty Carlson. 120 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $2.50. There is hardly a page in this book which will not stir hearts and satisfy a spiritual appetite. Building upon a solid Bibli­ cal foundation, the author creates sparkling messages. GREAT EXPOSITORY SERMONS compiled by Faris D. Whitesell. 190 pages; cloth; Fleming H. Revell Co., Westwood, N J .; $3.50. Eighteen of the most representative sermons from an expository standpoint have been selected from master preachers of the centuries, beginning with Chrysostom and ending with Helmuth Theilicke. A brief biographical sketch and a sermon critique precede each selection. Recommended books are available from the Biola Book Room, 5 60 South Hope Street, Los Angeles; and on the La Mirada Campus, 13800 Biola Avenue. Handy' mail order service is also available. Free descriptive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request. BOOK ENDS_______ (A Review of Current Publications)


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MAY, 1965


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