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by Betty Bruechert
TEEN-AGE C U L T OF SATAN I TEMS are NOT printed in this col umn to shock the readers. We trust that the information published will arouse Christians to prayer and effort for the salvation of those en snared in false religious systems. As we near the time of Christ’s return, there is no doubt that Christ- denying groups will increase. In cer tain areas young people seem to be devising such forms of Satanic wor ship of their own. Those who have read the deeply moving and startling book, “ The Cross and the Switch blade” by the Reverend David Wil- kerson have been horrified at the depths of degradation to which teen agers (and even younger children) have sunk in their rebellion against God and man. Mainly this is because they know nothing of His love for them as manifested in Christ. At least two generations preceding this present one have neglected the im mortal souls of the young and now are reaping the harvest. God has in deed raised up fine groups of Chris tians to specialize in youth evange lism and the prayers of all of us should accompany every such effort to reach young men and women. That Satan has made them his special tar get is evident from the following article which we quote from The Evangel of Largo, Fla., a UPI news item, dateline Norman, Okla. Janu ary 1965: “ Members of a secret teen-age fraternity professing devotion to Satan were blamed for four incidents of vandalism at chapels and churches here during the last nine months. Police said the boys were members of the ‘Covenant of the 73rd Demon,’ dedicated to vandalizing churches to prove loyalty to the devil. Vandalism, the police said, was a part of the group’s ritual whereby the boys ‘re leased their souls to the prince of darkness.’ The ritual demanded that all emblems of God be ridiculed or destroyed. The incidents included turning crosses upside down, ripping Bibles, spilling baptismal waters and ransacking. Four boys, 16 and 17 years old. were arrested. A warrant was issued for a fifth. Authorities declined to identify the boys. Police told sacrifice of animals were includ ed in the fraternity’s ritual. The boys allegedly planned to exhume a human body and try to restore it to life.”
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CHRISTIAN HERITAGE STUDY COURSE by Rev. Stuart P. Garver Executive Director, Christ’s Mission, Inc. Editor, « i CHRISTIAN HERITAGE / \ magazine /
Two important studies that present the basic structure and teaching of the Roman Catholic Church and show how its doctrines and principles operate in the lives of Catholics and in American society. Roman Catholic Doctrines Protestants Should Know The Church, the Pope, Authority of the Scriptures, the S ac ram en ts , the M ass, Con fession , Penance and Indulgences, Purgatory. Roman Catholic Life Protestants Should Know Marriage, Virgin, Saints, Relics, Priests and People, S p iritu a l G row th, Church and S ta te in Am erican Democracy. Available in one volume at the low price of only $3.50. Special group rates for Adult classes, Young People and other Church Groups. Send for complete brochure today.
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MAY, 1965
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