King's Business - 1965-05

Classified, Ads 15 CENTS PER WORD — MINIMUM $3.00 Ribtot M id Books Scofield Bible — Retail and Wholesale — All Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stamping — Thumb Index — Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 Main Street, Hamburg, New York 14075. RELIGIOUS BOOKS PURCHASED — Any size library. Send list, or write for details. Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. Bibles Rebound Write for illustrated price list from Nation's largest Bible rebinding specialists. Work Guaran­ teed. Norris Bookbinding Co., .122 Stone, Green­ wood, Mississippi. Music Correct and singable hymn music, composed, ar­ ranged, edited and printed. Folders tree. Ray­ mond Iden (KB), Mount Vernon, Ohio. Help Wanted Large Rescue Mission needs additional staff workers. Single or married. Board, room, com­ pensation. W rite P.O. Box 202, Seattle 11, Wash. EXECUTIVE SECRETARIES are urgently needed at Westmont College, a Christian liberal arts college located in beautiful Santa Barbara, California. Here is a real opportunity for ladies who can work independently and assume respon­ sibility. Current openings are in the Business Office and Alumni Office. Direct your inquiry to William Hannah, Westmont College, Santa Bar­ bara, California.


A staff of eight dedicated Christian psycholo­ gists and professional counselors. Evaluation and therapy for personality, emotional, behavioral, spiritual, pre-marriage, marriage, parent-child, vocational, and educational problems. Fees are minimum. DR. CLYDE M. NARRAMORE, Director PHONE MU 1-5669 THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELING CENTER 35So. Raymond Pasadena, Calif. $1600 CONTEST for WRITERS OF UNPUBLISHED MANUSCRIPTS. Sond for contest rules and free Brochure on pub­ lishing your book. Dept. Pageant Pre*»v 101 Fifth Avenuo, Now York 3 POWER the turiticn îfln rii W A N T E D ! ! Used cars for use by Missionaries on furlough. In donating your used car for this worthwhile purpose, you will receive a tax-deductible receipt for top re­ tail value. Write: ASSISTANCE IN MISSIONS, Inc. Box 3 2 3 2 , Glendale, Calif. DO YOU KNOW YOUR BIBLE? If so, a great field is open to you to reach men, women and children for God. COUPLES with TEACHERS CAMPERS PASTORS or TRAILERS AUG . 28-SEPT. 4 Plan to attend the TR A IN IN G PROGRAM which EQUIPS YOU for a most reward­ ing, exciting and adventurous life for God. CANONBEACH CONFERENCECENTER Box 39B Cannon Beach, Oregon W rite for particulars, mention V A C A TIO N VENTURES (A year around program of vacation only.) R E T I R E D 20 INSPIRATIONAL QUOTATIONS and . SAYINGS, each printed separately on high ’ gloss cards. Constant reminders of positive I thoughts. SEND $1 for your 20 CARDS . today...YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU DID, TO: S TA N D A R D S P E C IA L TIE S C O . P. O. BOX 4382 • SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA

C U B A w a s A m e m b e r of the United Nations. Were its people protect­ ed from Communist conquest, from Russian regiments and missiles land­ ing there? How come the armed Russian soldiers with obedient Cu­ ban officials are conscripting Cuban children for transportation to Russia as hostages to compel the obedient service of their parents to the Cu­ ban terror regime? Khrushchev required Castro to send his own children on the first boatload. Is Castro an independent ruler or an agent of Communism and the Kremlin? They say, of course, that the children were sent to Rus­ sia for educati on. The Soviets openly boast that education in the socialist lands is in compulsory athe­ ism and communist deceit and dicta­ torship. Yes, atheism is compulsory in every school in Russia. The police have destroyed every Sunday school for Bible study by children. It is a crime for youth under eighteen to attend any re­ ligious meetings and it is a crime for elders to permit it, punishable by sentences to long years in labor camps that few survive. Are you surprised that refugees are telling us of Christian families in Cuba, who, when their children are required to be sent to Russia, these families choose to die and to take their children with them in death? Would you surrender your little ones of tender years to the Communist masters to be shipped half way round the world and taught atheism and denied any knowledge of God and our blessed Saviour? So the people of Cuba were given no protection by the United Nations from conquest by the Communist Dictatorship, but the new dictator­ ship was given millions of aid funds by the United Nations agencies un­ der deceitful pretexts. Millions in aid are still being handed over to Castro and his butchers by various United Nations agenc i e s and they are largely United States taxpayers’ dol­ lars. Is not the United Nations an un-equal partnership with atheism and communism with no room there­ in for God or Christ or the Bible? Fervent prayer is needed for wis- 1 dom in such a time.

"How to Serve God In Retirement," $1.00 post­ paid. Travis Press, 531 Linwood Avenue, Santa Ana, California. You are needed.


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