Peopleintie News
Dr. Henry Brandt, psychologist from Detroit, Michigan recently spoke at the second international convention
Hopkins University in the field of Semitics (Ph.D.) and is Associate Professor of Religion at Andrews University. Dr. J. Edwin Orr recently spoke at the winter spiritual emphasis week at Wheaton College at which time he concisely presented the realities of Christian experience and the ne cessity of applying them to daily living. After his closing message, Dr. Orr invited to come to the platform students who wished to share their expressions of love for Christ or spir itual commitments which they had made during the week. The response continued until 11:30 at night when Dr. Orr closed the meeting. Com menting on the week of meetings, Dr. Hudson T . Armerding, president of the College, said, “ It is evident that Dr. Orr was guided by the Holy Spirit in his ministry here on cam pus. This was particularly manifest in the closing service. The deep ear nestness of the students as they gave their testimonies made a profound impression upon us all. Mrs. Ethel Barrett, Gospel Light di rector of audio-education and writer- director of Gospel Light filmstrips, compares the standard size 35mm
for t h e Christian Camp and Confer- ènee A s s o c ia t io n held at Green Lake, ■. near Oshkosh, Wis- -4 | j| consin. Dr. Lars Gran- Berg, also a psychol- o g is t , was a W t among the featured sp eakers . Their .
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Dr. Brandt topics were “Ther apy o f T rou b le ” and “ Creating Atmosphere for Spir itual Growth.” Dr. Kenneth D. Wells, president of the renowned Freedoms Foundation, Valley Forge, P enn sy lvan ia , an nounced recently that Teen World, a division of World Opportunities, Inc., has been designated to receive the Foundation’s George W a sh in g ton Honor Medal Award as the outstand ing 1964 Patriotic Youth Program. Dr. Roy McKeown, president of World Opportunities, Inc., received the an nouncement of the award. Mr. Ken Taylor, author and publish er, has announced that “ Living Let ters” has seen twenty-two printings with over one million copies in print, and that sales are still climbing steadily. Mr. Taylor has prepared an other paraphrase this time of the Minor Prophets, Daniel and the Rev elation, entitled “ Living Prophecies” which has just-been released. Peter Landerman, the American re cently released from a Soviet prison, is applying for service with Wycliffe Bible Translators and the Summer Institute of Linguistics. Mr. Lander man, 24, who has a strong faith in God, said, “ The manner in which I was strengthened fr om resources other than my own in a Soviet prison camp and what I saw there have again brought home to me the reali zation that the Gospel of Christ as set forth in the New Testament offers the only hope for mankind and the only real solution to the human pre dicament.” Dr. Siegfried J. Schwantes of Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michi gan, was the winner of the Baker Book House 25th Anniversary Manu script Contest. The title of Dr. Schwantes’ prize winning manuscript is “ A Short History of the Ancient Near East.” The prize is an expense- paid trip to the Holy Land. Dr. Schwantes is a graduate of Johns
HHHH lothy |rings clear through nineteen hundred years, iyjd still todaytheScriptures havepower, for youngandold alike, “tomake thee wiseunto salvation.” longer thanany other— Cambridge University Presshasheldtheprivilege, the responsibility, of publishing the greatest book of all, theHolyBible.
projector and filmstrip (left) with the new “ split 35mm” which is less than half standard size. Developed by Church-Craft Pictures, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri, the “ split 35mm” filmstrip will go into use with Gospel Light Vacation Bible School lessons this summer and with selected parts of the Gospel Light closely graded curriculum this fall. Great advan tages of the new “ split 35mm” are convenience and low cost. A projec tion kit including projector, screen and carrying case sells for $17.50.
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MAY, 1965
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