King's Business - 1965-05

'S c \\ 6 Q a message from the editor


BELOVEDENEMY A young scientist sets out to dis­ prove the deity of Christ and meets the unaccountable Man! 90 Min. Ld Dramatic Cobi Feature!j f h ( t y f 'it i/ 1204 N. Elmwood, Peoria, Illinois Write for this and other films

Guest Editorial by Roger Amebergh, Los Angeles City Attorney C H R I S T I A N S C H O O L S

I n th is day of emphasis upon state-supported colleges and univer­ sities, with their modern facilities, what is the necessity for a private Christian school? The answer becomes increasingly important not only to Chris­ tians, but to all America. Our nation was founded upon Christian principles. W e then recognized our national and individual dependence upon God. Study of the Bible was a part of our daily lives. As indicative of our belief in God in the early history of this country, it is interesting to look at our historic documents such as the United States Constitution which states that it was signed "the Seventeenth day of September, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Seven.” In court proceedings, it has always been our general custom to have a witness take an oath that he will testify to "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God.” It is not only our historical documents and customs, however, that are revealing. Famous Americans throughout our illustrious history have recognized their dependence upon the Bible. For ex­ ample, George Washington stated: "I t is impossible to govern the world without the Bible.” Numerous other quotations could be referred to but this is sufficient to show the past attitude of leaders of our country with respect to the Bible. Even more significant is that the foundation of education in America was laid in schools that not only read the Bible, but also taught their pupils the supreme importance of its message. That the religious purpose was dominant in our first schools was evidenced in the textbooks that they used. For the first fifty years the Bible was the only universally used textbook. In 1690 the New Eng­ land Primer was published. Drawing heavily from the Scripture texts, it also contained both the Westminster Catechism and John Cotton’s "Spiritual Milk for American Babes.” It has been said that "i t taught millions to read, and not one to sin.” This remarkable textbook was the chief school and reading book for the next cen­ tury and a quarter, and was widely used for an additional twenty- five years (to 1840).


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