King's Business - 1965-05

CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS (cont.) by Roger Arnebergh With John Dewey as philosopher- captain, William Kilpatrick as inter­ preter - lieutenant, and a corps of loyal associates, the movement to take God out of American education has proceeded at an ever-accelerating rate. Education in the public schools in America is today almost completely secularized. As Dr. C. C. Morrison, former editor of The Christian Cen­ tury, said: “The public schools are creating a secular mentality faster than the Church can Christianize it.” Court decisions have gone hand- in-hand with the efforts of educators to secularize American public educa­ tion: 1. The United States Suprem e Court says we can’t even give away the King James edition of the Bible on school property. 2. Recent decisions of this same Court even prohibit prayer in public schools. 3. State Supreme Courts in vari­ ous states have specifically excluded the Bible from public schools. The effect of these decisions, from a practical point of view, is to ex­ clude the Bible, in fact, to exclude God, from our public schools. Insofar as I know, there are only two coun­ tries in the world in which it is for­ bidden by law to teach the Bible in the public schools. These countries are Russia and the United States. That America was a Christian na­ tion formerly could be taken for granted. Now we have cause to pause and consider: Is America still a Christian nation? Some time ago I saw the famous statue of the “ Pioneer Mother.” As you know, this depicts a mother with a Bible in one hand, and leading her child by the other. That was true of the pioneer mother. Today many of the mothers I see are holding a cock­ tail in one hand and a cigarette in the other. What is the impact of all this on the youth of today? Is education without God complete? And what im­ pression is made upon the minds of youth by secularized or godless edu­ cation ? It is logical, to assume that every­ thing important is being taught in school. One goes to school to become educated, to learn everything desir­ able or helpful, especially in the pub­ lic schools of today : the three “ R’s" (to an extent at least) are taught in our public schools; “ life adjust­ ment,” including “ How to act on a date,” is taught; “ Social Studies,” (Concluded on next page)

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Land of Promise Heavens Declare Broken Fragments George Muller Story Crisis in Morality India's Sorrow Siam

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