King's Business - 1965-05

CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS (eont.) including “How to select good radio programs,” are taught; music, arts, drama, dancing, sports are taught. In fact, everything, except religion, is taught. It is not surprising that the stu­ dent naturally assumes the Bible is unnecessary and unimportant. As it is not taught, he logically assumes it is not worth while. In fact, each day private schools and colleges become more necessary if we are to have academic freedom in the proper sense. This is especially true in view of the gradual inroads being made toward federally con­ trolled, standardized, godless instruc­ tion. This danger is more insidious and imminent than generally real­ ized. It would be catastrophic to the America we know—fatal to a Chris­ tian America— if our schools con­ sisted only of a nationally controlled public school system. Our education would become totally secular or god­ less, and ultimately the youth of America would become completely indoctrinated into a standardized mold of political philosophy. This could lead eventually to blind adher­ ence to the whims of an absolute dictator. I am not attacking our public schools as such. My point is that if we have only public schools, then a serious danger exists, even aside from the spiritual values lost be­ cause of their secularization. How can a Christian prepare for life without God? For a Christian youth to prepare fully for life re­ quires the coordinated impact of home, church and school. The social pressure of the school which excludes God from its pro­ gram, and the subtle undermining of the Christian faith resulting from a secularized education, are tremen­ dous forces driving our people away from their Christian heritage. Many of you who are concerned about the spiritual welfare of your children — and of the nation — are convinced that the Christian college is God’s answer to this problem. In this hour of crisis, let us turn to them to prepare a militant body of believers who will have the cour­ age and the training to support the cause of Christ and His Church! In addition to being Los Angeles City Attorney, Mr. Amebergh is a member of the Biola Board of Direc­ tors, and attends the First Presby­ terian Church of Hollywood. He was elected to his present civic position in the 195S primaries, and has been an outstanding spokesman for Chris­ tian principles.

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MAY, 1965

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