Corporate headhunters - The Economist


Take me to a leader - Corporate headhunters are more powerful than ever | Briefing | The Economist

access and experience to do most of the heavy lifting. Moreover, since the rainmakers pocket the largest cut of the fee, their subordinates have less incentive to do a ne job. “Clients pay for haute couture but they get prêt-à- porter,” says a former chief of a Shrek rm.



And although headhunters have grown less languorous since the easy-going 1970s, in one way they remain as lazy as before: many still seek to score easy wins by rehashing past work. A pe partner recounts being sent the same shortlist for two dierent nance-chief searches. A disproportionate share of ceo s are old-timers from a handful of blue chips, not all of which have had a stellar run (think of ge , several of whose past executives went on to Boeing).


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