King's Business - 1952-03

Tidings fromthe Roberts inHongKong We reproduce below the lust letter re­ ceived from Dr. Churles Roberts, former head of the China branch of the Bible Institute, now in -the hands o f‘ the Com­ munists. Dr. and Mrs. Roberts are in charge of a book shop and church for refugees in Hong Kong.

The strongest, handiest fold­ ing table made. For banquet, church and school use. Write for descriptive folder.

M IT C H E L L M F G . C O M P A N Y 2748 S. 34th St., Milwaukee 7; Wis.

SACRED P IANO SOLOS “ There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy” “ Blessed Be the Fountain” “ Safe in the Arms of Jesus” Classical arrangements. Original instructions. Rich harmonies. Brilliant cadenzas. Modulations, Chimes. Suitable for radio performances. Each 35c. ALL THREE $1.00 postpaid. Order from GORDON E. HOOKER 558 So. Hope Street Los Angeles 17, Calif.

The Little Book Shop in the City of Nine Dragons Post Office Box 1663, Hong Kong. HAPPY NEW YEAR, FOLKS! Sohls! Men and women of many lands are passing through this Colony. Most for the first time, intrigued by its lure and harassed by events, they come in search of refuge. Souls to be accounted for to God—saved or lost! A tiny number call at the Little Book Shop. Gentle and a little sad a Russian lady inquired: “ Do you have a Russian Bible?” Then the story came out as Grace engaged her in conversation over two books. Compelled to leave Shanghai

R p u JA M

Miss Ho and Mrs. Roberts work together in Child Evangelism. This lady, a college graduate, escaped from behind the “ bam­ boo curtain.” now here to participate in the deception. We quickly supplied him with a pam­ phlet exposing the heresy, and in prayer we follow him that he may be kept true. Sam, Wally and George—three British service lads are on their way home to “ Blighty.” These young men have been most faithful in their attendance at the Little Church of Emmanuel. All three lads were saved during their period of service in the Colony. A Swedish missionary and her son dropped in to purchase a Swedish Bible for the laddie. Yes, we could supply one. The French wife of a Chinese business man whose daughter is married and liv­ ing in America, called. She had tele­ phoned a few days previous that her hus­ band was seriously ill with a fever. Her eyes now expressed gratitude for the prayer partnership: “ Thank you so much, this fellowship is truly wonderful.” Pan American Clippers dip their wings over the Little Book Shop as they fly in to land. A friendly steward aboard one of the ships frequently drops in. A couple of days ago he made one of his hurried calls, pressed an American bill into Grace’s hand, and was off—“You can make it go farther here.” And so the tale. Souls! “ Watchman, what of the night? The morning cometh, and also the night.” News from Changsha is cruel. Mrs. Ebeling and children have reached Hong Kong. But husband is detained and under house arrest. The details cannot be writ­ ten at this moment. Your intercession must be intensified if he is to be released without suffering to others. Thank you for the Christmas cards, and gifts but most of all for the lov­ ing thought behind each message. Bible dictionaries and commentaries are still needed. We are planning definite projects in translation work in the coming year. We shall need your help. Let us con­ tinue as “workers together.” Yours looking up, and waiting to be “caught up,” Charles and Grace Roberts


BROADWAY PLAN CHURCH FINANCE J . S. BRACEW ELL Director 1408 Starling Building Houston, Taxas

Women’s Christian Medical College Ludhiana, India For over fifty years training young Indian women to be doctors, nurses, midwives, com­ pounders. Ministering in the hospital to thou­ sands of patients. Fundamental, Interdenominational,Evangelistic Miss Lucy Powe, Sec.-Treas. R. D. 3, Norristown, Penna.

Bookroom section of the two shops which the Roberts use for Sunday services. —“ Oh yes, ‘They’ will come here, too.” She was on her way to a South Amer­ ican republic. The ship would sail that afternoon. “Are you a Christian?” “Yes, indeed.” “ Greek Orthodox?” There was a tender smile with the reply: “No, the real thing!” Grace handed her the two books, long on the shelves, written in an unknown language, but containing a spiritual message. Notes on Exodus and Deuteronomy by C.H.M. in Russian! Pre­ served, undoubtedly, to that special mo­ ment for a weary traveler in her exodus to a new land! Goodbye, sweet lady, and God bless you. “ If we meet not again, we will up there” was her last remark as she left us. To try and confuse the mind is Satan’s sinister method of attack. A Chinese Christian business man came in greatly distressed over a book he had been given to read. Alas! A publication by Jehovah’s Witnesses. And American missionaries

g iv e YOUR PRAYER SUPPORT V jg J ~ ■> • For the evangelization v \ ii of Christ’s brethren— the Jew*

SEND c . FOR FREE B O O K LE T f f J ¿Jj | • ••Itrael” — Rev. Machlin’sdramatic ac- count of events in the Holy Land


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