King's Business - 1952-03

Every Sunday folders for

BIBLE BELIEVING CHURCHES Attractive duotone, lithograph bulletins Christ-centered, evangelistic, inexpensive Specific folders also for fundamental Baptist Churches Write for Samples CATHEDRAL FOLDERS Va«ar, Mich.

Have Your Eyes Examined Now ! DR. W. LA VERN SALTER DR. JOHN WM. SALTER Optometrists 226 Story Bldg., 610 So. Broadway Los Angeles 15, Calif. , TUcker 4855 Serving Bible Institute students and instructors since 1926 CHURCH BULLET INS Large Assortment—Self Selection Lithographed—Special Days General Use Be Sure to Get Our Free Catalog and Samples ECCLESIASTICAL ART PRESS Department K Louisville 12, Ky.

By Mildred H. Corbett

T HE joy of the Lord is your strength!” The words seem to leap at one from the book of the prophet Nehemiah. Is there one of us who is not in need of strength—of spirit, mind, or body? Some value strength of body above all else. We look upon the muscular, well-built young man with envy. But in a moment he may lose that grace and power and if he does not have vigor of mind and spirit it will go hard with him. Surely physical strength is to be de­ sired, and if we realize that our bodies are dwelling-places for the Holy Spirit, we will give them the best care possible. Any one who has ever visited a mental hospital places new value on strength of mind. We should thank God daily for sound minds. Yet we endanger our mental balance by worrying about the morrow as if we did not have a heaven­ ly Father. ■ But, above all, as we consider the joy of the Lord as our strength we are concerned with the life of the spirit, that eternal and all-important part of us which will never die. Recently I visited a dear Christian of 87 years in a hospital. Her body was chained to the bed but she eagerly read every good book that was brought to her and her prayers circled the uni­ verse. Her mind and spirit had tri­ umphed although the physical strength was gone. A group of women from a nearby church make periodic visits to a state mental institution and report that the Christians' in that place are the best patients and the cleanest of speech. Al­ though their minds are shattered, they do not fear death. Most people spend at least seven hours a day in earning a living—satisfying the physical man—and at least an hour with the evening paper, radio, etc. How much time is spent in cultivat­ ing and feeding our spiritual being— the eternal part of us—gaining strength of soul?

Watch the faces in buses, on the streets, or in any public gathering. Do not most of them look fearful, anxious, disturbed? How many have that serene and steady gaze which is the outcome of an inner peace and joy? Some will say that this is impossible in our day, but nothing is impossible with God. If we are truly and wholly His, surely He does not want us bur­ dened with cares which He is waiting to carry for us. There are depths to the Christian life which few of us know. Only the wholly dedicated one has the joy of the Lord and consequent­ ly the strength of soul that God has provided for us. One of the saddest things in the church today is the number of people who are satisfied with a nominal Chris­ tianity—they are saved for Heaven but are not growing daily in the grace of God. This is true not only of those from modernist churches but also of those who teach the fundamentals of the living faith. We are complacent be­ cause we know the true gospel. But we cannot remain stationary in the Chris­ tian life; if we do not go forward, we slip backward. If we are not finding new_ depths of joy and peace in the Christian life, if we are not growing closer to our Lord daily, or finding new avenues of worship and service, if our hearts do not “burn within us” for the unsaved, let us make careful examina­ tion of our spiritual lives. Let us ask God to show us our own hearts that we may see any cherished or unconfessed sin or anything that we are holding back from full surrender; then let us wait for His probings, His answer. If we are truly in earnest, He will show us His will and His way for us. Only complete and full surrender of our lives and wills to him, and a child­ like trust in His will and His love, will bring the joy of the Lord as our strength.

By Dr. Feinberg, Head of Department of Old Testa­ ment, Los Angeles Bible Theological Seminary, Los Angeles, in 5 cloth-bound textbooks : “ H o s e a , ” “ Joel, Amos, Obadiah,’* “Jonah, Micah, Nahum/’ “ H abakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Malachi,” “ Zech- ariah.”


One of 19 Correspondence Courses Write for full details CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Bible Institute of Los Angeles

558 S. Hope Street

Los Angeles 17, Calif.

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