King's Business - 1952-03

Red-Hot Battle for the Human Mind (Continued from Page 12)

wrought by making our education secu­ lar and Christless! And yet, what mighty revivals of righteousness right thinking men have brought by the grace of God! Our problem today is Genesis chapter three all over again. “Ye shall be as gods, knowing,” is still the same old bait the devil uses with telling success. Why does “ knowing” have such a great appeal to men? Is it not because such knowledge appeals to men’s pride? To be somebody, to have the answers, to be regarded as a man of letters, are coveted goals Satan holds out to the gullible. But this prom­ ised knowledge has not succeeded in making men “ as gods.” Rather, has it made men wiser to do evil. The Christian’s battle today is to keep sweet in a world of flaming bitterness. It is to keep loving in a world of hate. It is to keep faith with God when others are forsaking Him. It is to maintain the compassion of Christ when others are getting hardhearted. It is to revere human life while others are bringing its value down to the level of beasts. It is a battle to keep thinking God’s thoughts after Him while the whole world seethes in atheistic wickedness. True greatness in God’s( sight begins with a humble appraisal of one’s self. ■“ Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” “ Except a corn o f wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone.” “Whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all.” These are not idle words. They are our Lord’s solemn appraisal of true greatness. To be great in God’s sight is to be humble in our thinking—a think­ ing that shapes our lives into the pat­ tern of the Lord Jesus. Help for our battle is right near by. The Spirit of God is ready to empower us with the might that will lead us into holy thinking. Our weak temples of clay cannot withstand the devil’s onslaughts unless buttressed with the might of God’s Spirit. How important is the battle for the mind! How rich its rewards! How eternal its decisions! How urgent that we emerge the victors! In the solitary wilderness our Lord won this great war. His manner of successful attack is still good today. “ Get thee behind me, Satan,” was His answer to the devil’s evil sug­ gestions. The battle for “ the last frontier” is now being fought. It is the battle for control of the human mind. No war has yet had greater issues. No outcome was ever more important. No battle was ever more bitter. No greater forces have ever been engaged. Heaven, earth, and hell are all in the fray. As we measure swords with the enemy (Continued on Page 24) M A R C H , 1 9 5 2

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