King's Business - 1952-03

5,000 WANTED CHRISTIAN Workers to sell Bibles, Testaments, good books, hand­ some Scripture mottoes, Scripture Calendars, greeting cards. Good commission. Send for free catalog and price-list. George W. Noble , The Christian Co, Dept 7C - Pontiac Bldg. - Chicago 5, 111. Worshipping God in Spirit The Tabernacle Furnished Types of Our Worship. Price 25c “ The Book of Revelation,” “ The Dispensations,” “The Christian Home,” “ The Last Judgment,” “ Crowns for Christians,” “ Scattering the Seed,” “ New Jerusalem,” “ Lake of Fire,’ “ Spiritual Blessings in Christ.” All 10 for $3.00 HUMBERD PRESS Box K Flora, Ind.

You Can Make Money J*i a (2ltsUitia*t ßuAitteAA. Enjoy big returns, both spiritual and material. Serve the Christian families of your neighborhood with our popular line of religious merchandise. • The famous “Sunshine Line” of Everyday Greeting Cards. • Egermeier’s Bible Story Book. • Christian character - bu ild in g books for children. • Bibles and Testaments. • Great masterpieces by the re­ nowned Warner Sallman in beautiful frames for home, church, or office. • Hundreds of gifts for all ages.

Helps for Christian Endeavor and Other Young People’s Groups

By Chester J. Padgett, Th.M. Associate Professor of Bible, Bible Institute of Los Angeles

April 6, 1952 WHAT IS HOLY WEEK? Mark 11:1-11; 14:32-36

More space is devoted in the four Gos­ pels to the last week of our Lord than to any other portion of His life. The reason for this fact is not hard to find: Christ came to give His life a ransom for many; He came to die for the sin of the world; His great achievement was His substitutionary atoning work on the cross. Hence the lengthy narratives con­ cerning this sacred event. The two passages from Mark deal with the event which inaugurated Holy Week (11:1-11) and with an event which took place on the eve of His crucifixion. The happenings bordered by these two events bring forcibly to our attention two im­ portant revelations. 1. The Revelation o f Man’s Failure The account of Holy Week is an in­ dictment of the most favored and priv­ ileged nation of all history—the Jewish nation. Israel’s failure is but the illustra­ tion of all human failure in relation to God. Here is Man’s Failure to Recognize the Saviour Read through Mark 11-15 and see how the people completely missed the fact that Jesus Christ was the eternal Son of God. They acknowledged Him for a brief moment when He rode into the Holy City (11:1-11). But this same crowd soon called for His blood (15:13). There was no place for the Saviour at His birth; there was no place for Him now as He presented Himself as Israel’s rightful King. Here is Man’s Failure to Fulfill God’s Purpose for his Life, 11:12-14 Jesus’ cursing of the fig tree was an acted parable depicting the failure of Israel to bring forth the fruit God expected. The Bible clearly indicates that all mankind have fallen far short of their divine destiny (Rom. 3:23). Make this truth personal—how is it with your life? Are you bringing forth fruit to God? (John 15:1-8; Gal. 5-22-24). M A R C H , 1 9 5 2

Here is Man’s Failure in the Worship due the Lord, 11:15-17 Man’s worship is always indicative of his spiritual health. In our Lord’s day, worship had degenerated from some­ thing spiritual and beautiful into some­ thing material and professional and commercial. Let us remember that true worship is a matter of the spirit (John 4:24); it is always in Jesus’ name and through His shed blood (John 14:6; 15:16; Heb. 7:25). Here is Man’s Failure to Acknowledge the Son of God Instead of falling at His blessed feet in adoration and praise, the leaders of Israel did their best to find some fault in Him that they might accuse Him and kill Him (Mark 11:18). These blind lead­ ers of the blind denied His authority (Mark 11:27-33), tried to pin upon Him the charge of sedition and insurrection (12:13-17), tried to find Him guilty of heresy (12:18-27), plotted against His life (14:1,2), and finally incited the people to demand His death (15:1-15). Let each man ask himself where he stands with regard to Jesus Christ. Re­ member that if you are not with Him you are against Him; there is no neu­ tral position with regard to Christ (Matt. 12:30). 2. The Revelation o f God’s Love Here is the wonder of the Word of God. The Bible is not a mere indictment against the human race; it is not just an exposé of the sinfulness of man. It is a faithful diagnosis of the disease with a view to leading every sinner to flee to the place of healing. The Bible declares man’s position before God in order that it might encourage him to confess his sin and seek the Saviour so freely offered in the gospel. In the face of His rejection by His own people we might think that Christ would have ascended to Heaven without suffering the Cross. But Christ loved the world and came to save the world in spite of

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Joseph Zacchello (Pronounced “ Za - kel - lo)

A four-page story of the conversion from the pope to Christ of the editor of THE CONVERT— a monthly magazine on international Romanism: $1.00 per year; and author of “ INS AND OUTS OF ROMANISM” $2.00. Roman Catho­ lics will accept and read this tract be­ cause it has the photo as a priest. Available in English and Spanish.

100 per $1.00; 1,000 for $6.00 Order From The Convert, Dept. B P. O. Box 90, Clairton, Penna.

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