King's Business - 1952-03

3. Faith is Power Because it Gives Triumph Over the Circumstances of Life vv. 10-13 Paul’s faith made him content in every situation v. 11. What a wonderful lesson is this to learn! There should be no discontent and unhappiness among Christians! Paul’s Faith Made Him Conqueror Over Every Circumstance of Life v. 13 Through faith in Christ every believer can overcome sin, temptation, temper, lust, etc. What a wonderful Saviour! This paragraph has brought inesti­ mable blessing to many souls. Thomas is a representative man. Many people are filled with doubts which ought to be dis­ sipated and dispelled. The Christian faith commends itself to every honest intelli­ gent person. No Christian needs to hang his head in shame. There may be in Christianity things hard to understand but there is nothing hard to believe. Let us notice why we ought to doubt our doubts about Christian truth. 1. Because Doubts About Christ And the Christian Faith are Unjustifiable There is . something pathetic about Thomas’ stubborn refusal to believe in the face of unquestionable evidence. On the testimony of ten trustworthy men whom he knew were not in the habit of lying he should have believed in the fact of Christ’s resurrection. But he doubted, and thus missed the unbounded joy and peace experienced by those who had seen the risen Saviour. Doubt is Unjustified Because of the Word of God The Bible cannot be a human book. The prophecies alone must convince the honest seeker after truth that this Book is above and beyond all other books. The Bible proves itself to be God’s revelation to all who study it with open mind. Study some of the predictions made by the O. T. regarding Christ and see how these have been fully and accurately fulfilled (Isa. 7:14 with Matt. 1:18-25; Micah 5:2 with Luke 2:1-7; Jer. 31:15 with Matt. 2:16; Psalm 41:9 with Matt. 26:14-16, and many, many others. Surely this is the inspired Word of God! Doubt is Unjustified Because of the Lord Jesus Christ Not only does the Bible claim that Christ was the eternal Son of God and the only Saviour of the world, His very character and works prove the claim. Who can read the Gospels without doing as Thomas ultimately did, that is, with­ out falling upon one’s face and crying out before the Christ, “My Lord and my April 27, 1952 DOUBT YOUR DOUBTS John 20:24-29

6:10). There is power inherent in Christ and His gospel unlimited. This power is released by faith. Christ works miracles when His people really believe. Today we study the power of faith. 1. Faith is Power Because it Brings Full Assurance Heb. 11:1 True faith in the Word of God is con­ fidence and conviction. When a man is absolutely convinced of the truth of the Christian faith he is invincible and irresistible. Real faith is confidence un­ shaken and unshakable in the Word of God. The Man of Faith has Complete Con­ fidence in the Deity of Jesus Christ He knows that Christ is God, the divine and all-sufficient Saviour, just as much man as if He had never been God, and just as much God as if He had never been man. (John 1:1-18; Heb. 1:1-4). The Man of Faith has Complete Con­ fidence in the Indestructibility of the Soul He knows that every man will live forever either in Heaven or in hell (John 5:28-29; Heb. 9:27). He knows that when the believer dies he goes immediately into the presence of the Lord (2 Cor. 5:1-10; Phil. 1:21-23; Luke 16:19-31). The man of faith has complete confi­ dence in the resurrection of the body. (2 Cor. 5:1-10; John 5:28,29; Rev. 20:11-15). The man of faith has complete con­ fidence in every promise, every warning, every word of the inspired Word of God. (2 Tim. 3:16,17). 2. Faith is Power Because it Promotes True Holiness Phil. 4 :8 ,9 No Christian living in sin has any power in his life or service. But when, through faith- in God’s Word, a man lives in the light of God’s Word, his life will be a powerful influence for Christ. Holiness is connected with truth v. 8 The Christian who constantly thinks on the Word of God is filling his mind and heart with truth, thus his life is filled with power. Holiness is connected with honesty v. 8 The sincere believer is honest with God, honest with himself, and honest with his fellow-men. Such a life has power. Holiness is connected with things that are just v. 8 This means a sense of rightness. The Christian has nothing to do with things that are wrong in the sight of God. Holiness is connected with purity v. 8 The believer keeps his body and mind clean because he knows that the Holy Spirit lives in him (1 Cor. 6:19, 20). A clean life is a life of power. Holiness is connected with loveliness v. 8 The word means benevolence, that is, kindliness toward others (Eph. 4:30-32). Holiness is connected with every virtue taught by the Word of God of good report v. 8. M A R C H , 1 9 5 2

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