King's Business - 1952-03

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Pointers on the Lesson H omer A. K ent , T h .D.

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Helps for the Children A llison A rrowood

Lesson material is based upon out­ lines o f the International Sunday School Lessons copyrighted by the International Council o f Religious Education; used by permission.

April 6, 1952 A FELLOWSHIP OF MANY FOLLOWERS John 15:5-9; Phil. 2:14-16; Rom. 16:1-7

Since the beginning of last quarter’s lessons, we have seen the group of be­ lievers grow from a few fishermen until they have become a large company of devoted followers. The Scripture pas­ sages for this week’s lesson call atten­ tion to some of these followers by name and set forth the duties and privileges of all the followers of Christ whenever and wherever they may appear. The fellowship of the saints is a very real thing. It is fostered and extended by the same means and manner in every age. The Secret of Victory John 15:5-9 The fellowship of the followers of Christ is made possible through vital contact with Christ, the spiritual vine. Moreover, fruitfulness is dependent upon abiding in Christ. The word abide in one or other of its forms is the key to the understanding of the section before us now. It occurs four times. Not only must a person profess faith in Christ as Saviour and Lord. That is absolutely necessary for a beginning in the Chris­ tian life. But for a successful continua­ tion there must be the constant abiding. That is, there must be a never failing feeding upon the Lord’s Word, an oft turning to Him in prayer, a continued dependence upon Him for strength for every day’s living. They who live like this will know what it means to experi­ ence answers to prayer. Fruitage will always be produced from such living. In view of the love of the Lord Jesus for His own, they should have no difficulty in continuing in His love (v. 9). Victory in Expression Phil. 2:14-16 It is expected that Christ’s followers shall work out in daily expression the new life which has been imparted to them at the time of their new birth. Murmurings should have no place in their lives. They manifest a lack of trust M A R C H , 1 9 5 2

in. God. God was sorely displeased with the children of Israel in the wilderness because they were always murmuring about something. The book of Numbers has sometimes been called the book of murmurings because there are so many accounts in it of the complaints of God’s children. God is always displeased with such an attitude. Then, too, the follow­ ers of the Lord need to be careful lest by frequent disputings they stir the anger of fellow Christians and cause to be repelled from us some who are un­ saved (v. 14). Christ’s followers should refrain from the above things so that they may “ shine as lights in the world” (v. 15). Their supreme business is to hold forth the Word of life (v. 16). They are called to be witnesses for Christ in a dark world (Acts 1:8). The Apostle Paul was hop­ ing that through the faithfulness of the Philippians in this regard he might share with them at the bema seat of Christ in rewards for faithful service. So it is the privilege of every believer to be looking toward that day when re­ wards will be given to them who have been earnest in soul winning. (See 1 Thess 2:19.) But for some it will be a day of disappointment! Victorious Individuals Rom. 16: 1-7 An interesting list of faithful saints is given in the last chapter of Romans. Each one possessed some characteristic of merit. Phebe was a “ deaconess,” a true servant of the church of Cenchrea. She was the worthy forerunner of a host of other deaconesses who have served many other churches (vv. 1,* 2). Pris­ cilla and Aquila were self-sacrificing “ helpers” in the service of the Lord (vv. 3-5a). Epaenetus, Mary, and An- dronicus and Junia (probably husband and wife) also had given a good ac­ count of themselves in the Lord’s serv­ ice and their names live (w . 5b-7).

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