King's Business - 1952-03


us how his doubt was turned into ra­ diant faith in the light of the Easter Day victory. Loyalty in Spite of Despair John 11:14-16 Jesus had told His disciples that He was going to the side of Lazarus to “ awake him out of sleep” (v. 11). They thought He meant physical sleep and so He plainly told them that Lazarus was dead (v. 14). Jesus stated that it was well that He had not been present at the time of Lazarus’ death because now He would be able to accomplish something that would greatly aid their faith. He now urged that they go unto him (v. 15). At this juncture Thomas enters the picture with his remark, “ Let us also go, that we may die with him” (v. 16). These words contain both de­ spair and loyalty; despair in that he felt that it meant certain death for Christ to go to the vicinity of Jerusalem at this time. His enemies Were gathered there. For Him to enter its precincts would be to precipitate a crisis. Never­ theless Thomas was so loyal to Christ that he suggested that they go with Christ no matter what the dangers might he. Here was a man who was willing to enter the lion’s den for Christ’s sake if that were necessary. Thomas’ other name was Didymus which means turin. Who was the other twin? Could it be you in the matter of loyalty to Christ under all circumstances? Frankness in Face of Ignorance John 14:1-6 In these matchless words the Lord Jesus tells of His going to prepare a place for His followers (vv. 1, 2). He then tells of His coming in due time to receive them-unto Himself (v. 3). At this point the Lord said, “ And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know” (v. 4). Bluntly Thomas said that he knew neither where his Lord was going nor the way to get there (v. 5). Such an honest inquirer will sooner or later come to the knowledge of the truth. So it was with Thomas. His inquiry was responsible for the wonderful words of Jesus which have been the means of guiding multitudes of lost souls into the Father’s House—“ I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (v.6). Doubt Turned Into Faith John 20:24-29 Things looked black to Thomas after Christ was crucified. Apparently he had not taken seriously at all the promise of the resurrection. Thus when the dis­ ciples were met together on the evening of the first Easter Sunday, Thomas was not present. The Lord visited the occa­ sion and brought blessing to His follow­ ers. “ Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord” (v. 20). But Thomas was not present that evening when Jesus came. Think what he missed! God’s peo­ ple always miss a blessing when they THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NE S S

Helps for the Children Many Followers of Jesus John 15:1-9; Rom. 16:1-27

Memory Verse: “Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you” (John 15:14). The Lord Jesus Christ was soon to die upon Calvary’s cross for your sins and mine. He wanted to tell His disciples many things before His death. Many times He used things with which they were familiar to tell them heavenly truths so that they could better under­ stand His Words to them. One day the Saviour told His friends that He was like a vine, and they the branches. His Father was the husbandman who cared for the vines and kept them trimmed and clean. Through God’s Word they were made clean in His sight. Only those who stay close to their Lord, or abide in Him, can he the kind of branches that bring forth fruit in the Christian life and are well-pleasing to their Lord. The Saviour said, “Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.” Paul in his letter to the Roman Chris­ tians told of many of the followers who were helping him in the Lord’s work. Together they were building new churches and telling others of their Saviour and Lord. One of the women, Phebe, faithfully worked in the church and was a helper to Paul and to many other Christians. Some of the Christians had opened their homes for church serv­ ices. Others had risked their lives to save the life of Paul. Some had been put into prison for their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Some had opened their homes to the missionaries while they were preaching the gospel in their cities. They were “ workers together with God.” Today each church has many laborers working together to preach the gospel and to teach others God’s Word. To men, some of these workers seem far more important than others. To God, each one who faithfully does the work that God has given to him to do is as important as any other person in the church. The one thing that God searches for is for those who will be faithful no matter how small their task may be in the sight of others. Most of all, He is seeking for those who will do whatsoever He commands them to do.


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April 13, 1952 THOMAS AND THE RISEN LORD John 11:14-16; 14:1-6; 20:24-29 Pointers on the Lesson

It is fitting that for this year’s Easter lesson we -study some experiences in the life of one who had vital contact with our Lord shortly before His resurrec­ tion experience and who became inti­ mately associated with Him just follow­ ing that experience. Thomas was a be­ liever who had mixed with his faith considerable doubt. Today’s lesson shows

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