King's Business - 1952-03

April 20, 1952 JESUS AND THE LAW Matt. 5:17-20; Mark 10:17-22 Pointers on the Lesson

HANDBOOK OF CHRISTIAN TRUTH By Chester J. Padgett, Th.M. Associate Professor of Bible, Bible Institute of Los Angeles “I believe your new book will fill a great need in the church.”—Dr. J. Vernon McGee. “The Handbook is a splendid presentation of practical spiritual truth.”—Dr. S. H. Sutherland. “The Handbook is a most valued guide for what the young Christian needs to know.”—Dr. Wal­ lace Emerson. “The Handbook presents an exceedingly valuable course of study to be used by pastors and Christian leaders.”—Dr. William W. Orr. Now in the second edition this book includes 14 comprehensive outline studies, with care­ fully selected Scriptures under each heading: “ Christ and the Home,” “The Story of our Bible,” “The Structure and Central Theme of the Bible,” “ Introduction to Bible Study,” “Basic Books for the Christian’s Library,” “ The Church Through the Centuries,” “The Basic Doctrines of the Christian Faith,” “ Outline of Bible Prophecy,” “How to Succeed in the Christian Life,” “How to Help Sinners to Christ and Christians to a Closer Walk.” 193 Pages, Paper, $1.60 Postpaid

This is an introductory lesson to the quarter’s series, which will deal with the relation of Jesus’ teachings to the Ten Commandments. Our Lord’s relation to the Old Testament law in general will be under consideration in these lessons. Some of the contrasts between law and grace will also be noted. Today’s mem­ ory verse indicates a distinct difference: “ The law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ” (John 1:17 R.V.). One thing is certain, Christ did not come to destroy the law. Some in our Lord’s day evidently thought that He was destroying it. The religieus leaders in Israel had so covered the Word of God with their own man-made traditions that when Jesus came presenting the Word in its original purity and sim­ plicity, they thought that He was doing actual violence to the Scriptures. But instead of attempting to destroy the law our Lord strongly affirms that He came to fulfill it. What does it mean to fulfill the law? The original Greek verb means to fill up. In other places in the New Testament it is translated by such words as to complete, to make full, to perfect, to accomplish, and to preach fully. Our Lord came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets, in the first place, by Himself becoming the Anti-type of many of its types and prophecies; in the second place, by exposing the inner meaning of much that is contained in the Old Testa­ ment Scriptures; and, third, by bringing revelation to its fullness and comple­ tion, as when “ He removes from the ancient Law concessions to man’s hard­ ness of heart, like certain divorce privi­ leges, and returns to the original divine plan” (A. J. McClain). Verse 18 says that not a jot or tittle (small marks used in Hebrew writing) of the law and prophets shall be left unfulfilled. In Christ they all shall have their completion. In verses 19 and 20 the standards of God’s law are set very high. We are godi#***Wff . work for Him even if you cannot go to foreign lands. Christ’s Relation to the Law Matt. 5:17-20 »





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