King's Business - 1952-03

April 27, 1952 SUPREME LOYALTY TO GOD Ex. 20:1-6; Luke 14:25-27; 16:13-15 Pointers on the Lesson Loyalty is a word that means much in the lives of men and women of integrity. It means faithfulness, allegiance, con­ stancy, homage and devotion. It may manifest itself in many different realms of life—home, school, business, friends, government, church, etc. The supreme loyalty of every individual should be that in his relationship to God. This is

the teaching of the Bible in both Old and New Testaments. The lesson this week takes us into both Testaments that we may be impressed with this fact. Loyalty As Taught in the Law Ex. 20:1-6 It is God who refers to Himself by the wonderful name of Jehovah (R.V.) in v. 2 who speaks the words of this section. He had delivered His people Israel from bondage in Egypt and there­ fore had demonstrated His right to the loyalty of His people. It is an exclusive loyalty which He desires. No other god is to be tolerated (v. 3). More distinctly, God says that “no other gods [shall be] in front of me.” In the land of Egypt, there were hundreds of gods which vied for pre-eminence. Some 2200 gods and goddesses have been discovered by ar­ chaeologists in that land. Israel must not let any of these gods get in front of the true God. Likewise, in the land of Canaan, to which the people were journeying, there were many gods. They must not be permitted to have any place in Israel’s life. In America today there are many gods (name some) that seek to displace the true God in people’s de­ votion and loyalty. It must also be a jealous loyalty (w . 4-6). God is jealous for the love and loyalty of His people. Even so there ought to be a similar return on the part of His children. Here is an instance where jealousy is a good thing! Loyalty As Taught by Jesus Luke 14:25-27 “ Great multitudes” were following Jesus when of a sudden “he turned” to speak to them (v. 25). It was a dra­ matic act on the part of Jesus in which He made a definite effort to check the unthinking enthusiasm of the crowds who were following Him just to be fol­ lowing. His words which follow in v. 26 have caused a great deal of misunder­ standing. However, the main truth is clear. He is saying in a most forceful way that nothing should be allowed to stand between an individual and his Lord, no, not even the members of one’s own family. Jesus did not mean that one must actually hate his father or mother, etc., as is seen from such a passage as Matthew 15:4. Scofield’s note in his Bible is to the point here: “ All terms which define the emotions or affections are comparative. Natural affection is to be, as compared with the believer’s devotedness to Christ, as if it were hate.” Christ deserves first place in every life, even though it may result in family divisions. Our Lord goes on to say in v. 27 that each follower of Jesus ought to be willing to “ bear his cross” even as Jesus did His. In other words each follower of Jesus should be willing to be identi­ fied with the cause of Christ, to be cru­ cified to the things of the world, the flesh and the devil. Continued Loyalty Teaching by Jesus Luke 16:13-15 This passage appears at the conclu­ sion of our Lord’s parable of the unjust

steward. The right use of money is taught in that parable. Then in v. 13 Jesus shows the impossibility of trying to divide loyalty between two gods, such as God and mammon (money). The Pharisees found it difficult to hear such words. They were covetous and so turned up their noses at Jesus’ teaching in this regard. There are a lot of folks today who are showing the same attitude. Money is their god and they do not want to be interfered with in their de­ votion to it. In other instances it is pleasure, fame, or popularity that stands in the way of loyalty to God. Ex. 20:1-6; Luke 14:16-20; 16:13-15 Memory Verse: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image” (Ex. 20:3,4). Do you know boys and girls who are happy only when they are allowed to do just what they want to do when they want to do it? Many children “ fuss” and whine and are cross unless they can have their very own way constantly. God’s Word tells us that unless we put Him and His plans first we can never be truly happy nor satisfied. It does not matter what other boys and girls do or say nor what we like or dislike; as Christians we should always seek to put God and His Word first in our lives. God says, “ Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” Some people put friends, pleasure, money, fame, posi­ tion, family, etc., before their love for God. These things are idols just as much as are the idols of the heathen if they take a place before God in our living. If we have truly received the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Saviour, we shall want to do and say and think only those things which truly honor and please Him. The Lord Jesus told some people about a man who made a great feast to which he invited many guests. Each guest began to make excuses for not being able to accept the invitation. The ex­ cuses were poor ones and showed that the ones who made them did not want the friendship of the man who had invited them to his home. The Saviour said, “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.” We cannot serve both God and Satan. Others may believe that we are splendid Christians, but God looks at our heart and sees whether or not we truly love Him more than all else. We can know our Lord well only as we spend much time read­ ing His Word, listening to Sunday school lessons and sermons about Him, and serving Him in any way that He shall ask us to serve Him. If “ the crowd” wants to do something or go to some place that dishonors your Lord, remem­ ber that He has said, “ Them that honor me I will honor.” Helps for the Children Loving God Best

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