King's Business - 1952-03

April 27, 1952 You C a n B e U sed

April 20, 1952 S ig h t T h a t ’ s R ig h t Objects: A mirror,- a piece of glass, a bottle of gilt paint and a brush. Lesson: I am going to tell you the story of “ The Poor Rich Man.” Some rich people are very poor. There was a rich young man who came to Jesus want­ ing eternal life. Christ knew that this


Objects: A cardboard cipher and a red cross. (One side of the cipher is white; half of the other side is covered with black paper, and the other half with white. The cipher should be 11 inches high and 5 inches across. Fold it double, with the white side inward, mak­ ing a black “ U” . Make the cross 11 inches high. Put a pin through the cross­ bar and upright, allowing the crossbar to swing around into the upright posi­ tion later in the lesson. On the back of the upright, paste a light figure “ 1” , about 10 inches long.) Lesson: We will let this black “U” represent you and me. Black stands for sin. The Bible says, “ All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). Sinners are invited to re­ ceive Christ as their Saviour. When they accept the invitation, and come to Him, they are cleansed. (Place the upright of the red cross between the prongs of the

PREACH THE GOSPEL WITH SCRIPTURE Tracts. 100 assorted, 25c; 500 assorted, $1.00. K. Allman, 90 Coral St., Paterson 2, N. J. BIBLES REBOUND, REPAIRED. 28 YEARS experience. Internationally known. Write for prices. The original BIBLE HOSPITAL, 1001 So. Harvard St., Dallas 1, Texas. STENOGRAPHERS — THOUSANDS NEEDED now. Learn Triplespeed NUABC Shorthand. Join Selfstudy Club. Earn Course. Capital City College, (40th Year) Washington 5, D. C. WANTED: FIVE HUNDRED NEW MEMBERS for the Christian Pen Pal Club. Details Free. John Snyder, Lemoyne, Pennsylvania. LENDING LIBRARY — BOOKS BY MAIL. Write for information and sample copy of Chris­ tian Reader's Review, Christian Reader’s Library, Veedersburg, Indiana. OFFERING ENVELOPES—"WASTELESS’* OR dated for Churches, Societies—All kinds—Bargain Prices. Dufold & Trifold Company, Trenton 4, New Jersey. SCOFIELD BIBLES — COMPLETE LINE IN- cluding new loose-leaf edition. Write for litera­ ture. Fowlers* Christian Book Store, 118 Main, Hamburg, New York. NEW EFFECTIVE TRACTS FREE IN ANY quantity for distribution to the unsaved: "What Have YOU Done with Christ?’* “ Judge or Sav­ iour,** "Prepare NOW for the GREATEST EVENT in the World’s History.’* Address Neal E. Huff, 611 S. Broadway, Pittsburg, Kansas. CORRECT AND SINGABLE MUSIC SETTING for your hymn-poem, assures editorial considera­ tion. Music composing, arranging, editing and printing. Folders free. Raymond Iden (K.B.), Mount Vernon, Ohio. THOUSANDS OF OUT-OF-PRINT AND SCARCE theology now available. Free catalog. Libraries purchased. Kregel*s Bookstore, Grand Rapids, Michigan. YOUR GOSPEL SONG POEM SET TO MUSIC by widely known composer. Address Haldor Lillenas, 1633 Sinaloa Ave., Pasadena 7, Calif. GOSPEL OBJECT LESSON AND VISUAL Aids. Send 25c, receive one lesson and complete list of material. Charles Morrison, Nichols, N. Y. OLD BIBLES REBOUND LIKE NEW. A PRICE, binding and style to meet every need. All types of binding, rebinding. Write for illustrated folder, prices. Norris Bookbinding Co., Greenwood, Miss. FINE WATCH REPAIRING: WRIST WATCHES $4.00; Pocket $4.50; Chronograph $10.00; Prices include cleaning and adjustment. One year guar­ antee. Send watches by insured mail. Oakley Jew­ elry Shop, 2312 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago 22, 111. SHOE REPAIRING — FIRST CLASS WORK, reasonable prices. Erick Peterson, 5062 West Adams Blvd., Los Angeles 16, Calif. Tel. WEbster 0404. CROSS CROCHETED BOOKMARKS. 30 CENTS. 8 for $1.00 cash. All colors. Mrs. Stymus, P. O. Box 654, San Bruno, Calif. EVANGELIZE! $10.00 GIVES CHRIST’S MES- sage to 10 needy hearts .and brings a beautiful book to you. Dr. William Swaan, 715 West 16th, Vancouver 9, Canada. B IB L E S REBOUND IN A T T R A C T IV E leather covers. High quality workmanship; rea­ sonable prices. Write Western Bible Bindery, 8009 S. W . Canyon Lane, Portland 1, Ore. LANTERN SLIDES Missionaries and Christian Workers: You can have your black and white snapshots or printed pictures turned into beautiful colored glass slides (2"x2" or 3*4"x4") at 75c each. (Discount on quan­ tity.) Over 16 progressive years at this address.

man’s money was a hindrance to him, and was making him selfish. Christ told him to sell all and give to the poor. This young man loved his riches so dearly that he refused to obey Christ, and went away sorrowing. Think what a poor rich man he was when he refused the opportunity of securing riches untold for eternity! The Bible tells us that those who accept Christ as Saviour will be “heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ” (Rom. 8:17). In my hand I hold a mirror and a piece of glass. What is the difference between them? I can see clearly through this glass, and I am able to see any one who might need my help. But when I paint the back of it with this gilt paint, I see only a reflection of myself! (The reflection will, of course, be less distinct than in a mirror.) There was once a man who took a stingy rich friend to the window and asked him what he saw. He replied that he saw women and children. He was then taken to a mirror and asked what he saw. He said that he saw himself. The rich man was then told by his friend that the more the silver had been added to his life, the less he had seen of others and their needs. The rich young man who came to Christ allowed his vision to be so filled with gold, that he could not see the poor around him, and he could not appreciate Christ’s great worth. So he went away sadly. The person who has not found Christ as Saviour is poor indeed, though he be the possessor of millions of dollars; and he who has Christ as Saviour is rich indeed, though he may be penniless. If You Move Please notify us immediately on Form 22-B (which you can secure from your Postmaster), attach 2 cents postage and send us your old and new addresses. Allow four weeks for change of address. THE KING’S BUSINESS 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.

“U” . Then turn the “U” around, allow­ ing the white side to show.) It is the desire of Christ that all sinners receive Him and be cleansed. Next, Christ desires that the one who is cleansed shall become nothing for Him. (Lift the white side of the “U” , making it into a cipher.) If a person is willing to become noth­ ing for Christ, that one will count for Him. (Fold the cross together and turn around, allowing the “ 1” to show.) When we are nothing and Christ is the “ ONE,” we begin to count for Him. If I put the cipher in front of the “ 1” it detracts from it and lessens its value. If I put it behind, it increases the value of the “ 1” . God has always asked that His peo­ ple give Him first place in their lives. In Exodus 20:3-6 we read, “ Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my com­ mandments.” Today, God blesses those who give | Him first place in their lives. THE K I N G ' S BUS I NES S

C. WHITFIELD SIMS Phone CLeveland 66129

6176 Myosotis Street Paga Thirty-eight

Los Angeles 42, Calif,

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